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        economy will own the future. It is very important for our state legis-  medical center precisely because we, unlike other institutions,
        lators to invest in higher education and in health-related education in  bring to the challenge the power of all three missions — educa-
        particular. Without it, Texas will not be able to compete. We are grate-  tion, research and patient care.
        ful for the support we are receiving and have received. It is an ongoing
        investment that continues to pay tremendous dividends for our state.  Q. What is your ultimate goal?
        We are worth the investment.                             Our goals are rooted in our multiple missions. We will continue
                                                               to be a world-class academic health center, transforming health
        Q. What are you excited about?                         and health care for all. We will reduce health care costs through
          We are accomplishing so much in myriad areas, and in ways that  preventive medicine, and we will work tirelessly to eradicate the
        can only be achieved by an academic medical center. We are attracting  world’s deadliest diseases.
        the best students and recruiting and retaining world-class faculty  It is because we are an academic medical center that we are able to
        members. More and more we’re being recognized for the extraordi-  accomplish these worthy goals. And you — our community and the
        nary research we’re accomplishing every day.           world at large — are why we remain steadfast in our commitment to
          We have a new partner in cancer care. The UT Health San Antonio  make lives better.
        MD Anderson Cancer Center provides the absolute best in cancer
        research, care and treatment right here in San Antonio. We’re building  The University of  Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, now called
        a new facility for one of the world’s premiere aging research institutes,  UT Health San Antonio, is one of  the country’s leading health sciences universi-
        the Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies.  ties. With missions of  teaching, research, healing and community engagement, its
        And our new Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative  schools of  medicine, nursing, dentistry, health professions and graduate biomedical
        Diseases will take a truly comprehensive approach to battling these  sciences have produced 35,850 alumni who are leading change, advancing their
        horrible diseases.                                     fields and renewing hope for patients and their families throughout South Texas
          I believe these huge initiatives, such as in cancer and neurode-  and the world. To learn about the many ways we make lives better, visit www.uth-
        generative diseases, can be accomplished only by an academic

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