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To avoid this mess in the first place,
or to bolster your rights if it happens,
here are some very useful tips.

1. Consider putting a GPS tracking device in your bags. Google
     it and you’ll find many for sale. The airlines have sophisticated
     tracking devices but this assures they can’t bamboozle you or
     give you bad information.

2. Take pictures of your bag and contents on your cell phone. It
     will be useful to help the airline locate it and, if they can’t, it
     will provide strong support for your claim for reimbursement.

3. Make sure you get to the airport with enough time to get your
     bags checked at least 45 minutes before departure. If you don’t,
     you’re in for a battle if your bags are delayed (although they’re
     still fully responsible if they’re lost).

4. Never, ever put anything indispensable in your checked bags,           9. Don’t forget to request a refund of any extra payments you may
     like medicine, passports, tickets, etc. And never pack cash, jew-         have made for check in baggage. It’s your right.
     elry, artwork, cameras, computers, heirlooms, etc. The agent
     will show you their Contract of Carriage which typically ex-         10. If you haven’t been paid your due, file a complaint with the De-
     cludes such things. That said, the law cited above actually su-           partment of Transportation. You can do it online at www.tran-
     percedes their contract so their exclusions are generally regarded They actually do go after airlines
     as invalid by lawyers. You are allowed to get the value of your           rather effectively and can help you. You can also bring a claim
     lost camera, but you’re probably in for a long battle over it, so         against the airline in your local small claims court if you can’t
     don’t pack it in the first place.                                         find a lawyer to write a letter for you.

5. You may not want to travel with bright pink suitcases, but at          11. Lastly, this is a matter of negotiation between you and the
     least try to avoid blah black. If that’s what you’ve got, adorn it        agent. The law requires reasonable compensation given your
     with some bright attachments to set it apart from the crowd.              particular circumstances. That’s a lot of wiggle room. What’s
                                                                               reasonable may well differ depending on your perspective. So,
6. Your contact information should be not just outside the bag,                let them know you’re aware of your rights, be firm, but also be
     but inside, too. Leave your cell number so they’re not calling            calm and polite. You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
     your house when you’re in Vegas.
                                                                            We’ve seen a lot of press on airlines lately and it’s rather serendip-
7. Non-stop flights have a better track record than those with con-       itous. I prepared this series of three articles months ago, long before
     nections so fly that when given the option. And, not all airlines    an unfortunate passenger was hauled off a United flight. Let’s hope
     are alike. A recent DOT report showed some airlines were six         my articles become quickly obsolete by the passage of new, more
     times worse than others. Do your Google homework before              consumer-friendly laws for air travelers.
     you book your flight if you’ve got a choice among airlines.

8. Consider buying travel insurance through TravelGuard or Al-
     lianz. It will cover all sorts of stuff not the least of which is
     lost/delayed bags. You can also buy increased value insurance
     from your airline at the time you check your bags in.

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