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Naked in Vegas. Now What?

                      By George F. “Rick” Evans, Jr., General Counsel BCMS, Evans, Rowe & Hollbrook

  You made it to Vegas for that fun-filled weekend but your luggage        reasonable costs of a suit, shirt, tie, shoes, etc. Conversely, if you’re
didn’t. What do you do? This is the third in a series of articles on       just going to the roulette table, you may not get anything besides
the woes of air travelers and their legal rights. Today we talk about      some pajamas if they can find the bag and get it to you by tomorrow
when you’re at your destination but your bags aren’t. And, by that,        morning.
I mean more than just lost luggage, but luggage that isn’t really lost
but just delayed. This isn’t an uncommon scenario. In 2012, there            Of course, at the time this is happening to you, nobody knows if
were 1.78 million reports filed by passengers over delayed or lost         your baggage is delayed or permanently lost. And, even if it’s just
bags. Here’s what may expedite your reunion with them.                     delayed, nobody knows whether it’s for a few hours or a week. This
                                                                           means the amount of your compensation will change with each day.
  Immediately go to the baggage agent for your airline (usually near       A delay of a few hours may mean nothing. But nobody can expect
the carousel) and report the absence of your bags. If you’ve followed      you to wear the same clothes for days on end. You’ll have to work
tip No. 2, below, show them the pics. Don’t leave the airport and          with the agent on a reasonable allowance. Your other alternative is
call the loss in later unless you absolutely have to. There are deadlines  to just buy what you know is reasonable and present them with a
you must comply with, ranging from 7 to 21 days.                           claim after the fact. If the costs are fair and you can justify why you
                                                                           bought what you did, you should prevail.
  Now, this is where it’s important to know your rights. The law
for domestic flights allows you to demand compensation for up to             If your bags are actually lost, you’re only entitled to their depre-
$3,500. Don’t let the agent tell you the contrary and try to brush         ciated value at the time of loss; not what it costs to actually replace
you off with a toothbrush and paste for the night. If they do, cite to     them with new items. Used clothing isn’t worth a lot so don’t expect
them 14 Code of Federal Regulations Section 254.4. Trust me.               a lot. The airlines want receipts for your stuff but who among us
They know it.                                                              has a receipt for the boxer shorts you bought 2 years ago? But, if
                                                                           you’ve followed Tip No. 2, below, you can show them what you
  The specific amount you get depends on the circumstances. If,            packed and they have to pay you for the value of the things you can
for example, you’re wearing a polo shirt and shorts and have a crucial     prove they lost.
business meeting that afternoon, you’re entitled to be paid for the

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