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                                                                         IN REAL TIME

strangers in the room when I am sleeping. At some deep level N had       ment one must qualify. If a couple has to stay together they must
some understanding and he would cooperate, like taking his medi-         both qualify, in other words you must have a doctors certificate in-
cines. For a 48-hour period I had to go out of town for a wedding        dicating the need for assistance. In these the resident will be provided
and the caregivers cared for N very well.                                with three meals a day and will be taken to different activities, med-
                                                                         ical appointments and some outings. The resident can freely go in
   The caregivers from an agency called Visiting Angels were indeed      and out of the apartment. They also have something called memory
angels. N demanded attention continuously. The care givers seemed        care units. These are similar to assisted living except the resident
to know exactly how to handle him. I took the caregivers with me         cannot wander away beyond a certain area. The residents in both
for all his appointments, 2-4 a week. I was not prepared to send him     live by themselves. There is no cooking facility in these units. The
with them. I would break myself from home and go to the office,          independent homes appealed to me in case we need the assisted liv-
keep up with some meetings or run an errand. This was my strategy        ing so the transition would be seamless. The facility we chose was
for refreshing me and having the energy to manage a million things.      under construction.
On Fridays, I went to teach dance to children which was my mo-
ment of meditation. On Fridays we did not have a caregiver, our            N’s Psychiatrist is a wizard. I was with N for almost all his ap-
friends wanted to spend time with N. One started teaching him to         pointments. Dr. Schillerstrom always managed to convince N to
play bridge, one would watch tennis on TV with him, and one took         make changes in his medications or to take some that N categorically
him out to eat. These acts of kindness played a major role in his        refused to take because of the side effects. He was also not keen on
healing and mine as well.                                                loading multiple medications. N was placed on two medicines, one
                                                                         to help with sleep and the other an anticonvulsant which is also a
  Physical therapy was scheduled three times a week for his shoul-       mood stabilizer. I was determined to make life as normal as possible
der. N knows every nerve and muscle in the human body and taught         for us. I took N with me everywhere I went; grocery shopping, lec-
the therapist a few things. He could not lift his arm more than 30       tures at the health science center, shows and restaurants. I avoided
degrees. Heat pads and pain medication helped. The therapists were       big gatherings at people’s homes, weddings; temple and other events
wonderful. Under the guidance of Dr. Mehta, Justin, the therapist        where too much interaction was needed. Not being cooped up in
who worked with N, was very efficient, kind and thoughtful.              the house was very good for me as a caregiver. When I met close
                                                                         friends I shared N’s condition with them. We had a steady stream
  When N’s diagnosis was made, my mode was to prepare for our            of relatives who visited us. This was good for N. In the midst of this
lives for the years to come. Downsizing from this huge home and          I had to undergo cataract surgery as night driving was becoming dif-
vast acreage weighed on me heavily. In our home I was the indoor         ficult. In May 2016, I had the right eye operation and our son was
person. The furniture, décor, meals, social calendar, keeping up with    with us. N came to the pre-op area and talked to the anesthesiologist
the extended family, gifts were in my portfolio. Outdoors, appliances    explaining how sensitive I am to any sedative. It gave me a glimmer
and finance were N’s portfolio. Early in January, without my knowl-      of hope. On June 17, 2016, N said to me “I am sorry, I have not
edge N had ordered new computers. I had to get a technician to           brought flowers for you as I cannot drive to HEB.” It was my birth-
help switch the computers. N told the technician that all the data       day. Through my tears I saw the immense sorrow on his face and I
was backed up which was not the case and we lost all the old data.       knew my N was struggling to emerge from a deep ocean where fate
I had no idea about the well, pump, rain water storage and a zillion     had drowned him.
other outdoor things. My gut feeling was to just run from the place.
I thought that we should look at assisted living facilities. This was                           Rajam Ramamurthy. MD
an education in itself.                                                                         Professor Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics
  My introduction to an assisted living facility came as a phone call
from one of them. The long-term insurers, the caregiver organiza-
tions, assisted living facilities all seem to have some network. The
assisted living facilities that they are building these days have inde-
pendent living homes in the same complex. You cannot buy them,
you rent. They do not provide any assistance, you will have to hire
assistance depending on the need. To stay in an assisted living apart-

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