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The cost of a visit to an UCC is less than a visit to                         While they are required to maintain much of the equipment and
a hospital-based emergency room (HBER) or                                     staffing that a HBER does, they don't have rapid and seamless avail-
FSER for several reasons:                                                     ability of definitive treatments in a true emergency. Thus, a need
• HBERs invest in specialty equipment and staff that can care for             for a cath lab, stroke center, or surgical suite always necessitates trans-
                                                                              fer to a hospital, thereby wasting precious time.
    life-threatening illnesses or trauma and can move patients rapidly
    and seamlessly towards definitive care. A large facility fee is             And, in a true emergency, it is time that is the most critical com-
    charged to all patients, regardless of the severity of the problem;       ponent to receiving quality care.
• HBERs and FSERs have an “emergency” approach to all medical
    problems, generally resulting in extensive and costly "mega"                FSERs need to shoot straight and be transparent about the limi-
    work-ups, even for relatively simple problems.                            tations on the care, and the costs of that care, thereby allowing con-
• FSERs exploit a provision in the law that allows them to charge             sumers to choose what is best for their family’s health care and
    an expensive facility fee (just like a HBER) for simple urgent            pocket books. While employees may not concern themselves with
    type problems.                                                            these higher costs if their insurance pays for a HBER or FSER visit,
                                                                              they should know that their employers are the ultimate payers. The
  To make matters worse for consumers, FSERs are not connected to             high costs ultimately result in reduced salaries.
or located within a full-service hospital. While their fees are just as
high as those found in a HBER, they suffer from a lack of proximity             All employees, patients and their families have a responsibility to
to state-of-the-art definitive care services for problems like stroke, heart  themselves and their employers to understand the differences be-
attack, or trauma requiring immediate surgery. All these more serious         tween costs and services provided at HBERs, FSERs and UCCs to
patients must be transported to a hospital with the attendant delay,          ensure they receive the appropriate care for the best value. Because,
thereby generating additional cost and medical risk.                          I am pretty sure most do not want to pay $2,000 for the flu.

  The presumption that care is the same at a FSER and a HBER is                              Dr. Bernard Swift is the founder and managing partner
false and, at the very least, misleading. FSERs are more like UCCs.                        of Texas MedClinic, a chain of 17 urgent care clinics located
                                                                                           in San Antonio, New Braunfels and the Austin area.

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