Page 26 - Layout 1
P. 26
Part 6
For better,
for worse,
for richer,
for poorer,
in sickness
and in health
By Rajam Ramamurthy, MD
Home is the best place for a patient like N who was under gigantic sleep much; the little sleep was disrupted by coughing. The intuba-
mental turmoil and stress. Familiarity of the environment helps. Es- tion must have set up some inflammation of his airways; he was con-
tablishing a routine should be a priority. This is easier said than stantly taking cough lozenges, a pack or more a day, no one could
done. In N’s case the stars configured positively. He has a home, I control him. Caregivers were men and women and because of work
am retired and could be with him twenty-four-seven. We have long hour regulations in a week at least six different people came. It was
term Insurance that covered caregiver assistance. I met with people unnerving for me to have different strange men in the house every
from three different agencies and chose one that was a good fit for night. N was least sensitive to my feelings or my needs. N protested
us. We set up a room that was comfortable for N and convenient not sleeping in his bed the first night. On the second day he did not
for the caregiver to stay and rest if possible when N slept. N did not protest and the caregiver told me that he said to her that I won’t like
26 San Antonio Medicine • June 2017