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tered is vast and includes rare genetic disorders such as Treacher         The role of a portrait painter is not only to create a like image of
Collins Syndrome, Alpert Syndrome, Pfeiffer Syndrome, Moebius            their sitter on the canvas, but to capture that person’s depth of char-
Syndrome, and so many others.                                            acter and the nuances of their psyche that combine to portray the
                                                                         specific uniqueness of the individual. The artists uniformly found
  Fourteen young patients have participated thus far in the “Face to     the experience both moving and personally enriching.
Face” program. The children were paired with a professional artist
affiliated with Studio Incamminati. Each portrait, painted in oil,       Conclusion
was completed over multiple sittings (as many as 20). The children’s       In today’s society, physical appearance affects our daily lives in
parents, and sometime their siblings, accompanied the sitters to each
visit. The many hours that the artists, children, and their families     countless ways. In particular, much of an individual is revealed and
spent together aided in developing strong trusting relationships, a      communicated by the human face. At the outset, these children with
necessary ingredient in capturing a intimate portrait.                   craniofacial anomalies cared for by the multispecialty team at the
                                                                         Craniofacial Program at CHOP did not view themselves as “portrait
The Results                                                              worthy.” Partly through the process of having their portraits painted
  The children, their families, and the artists agreed at the outset to  by the professional artists affiliated with Studio Incamminati, these
                                                                         children have come to believe that the world can view them as people
undergo in-depth interviews about their experiences both prior to and    of value. This merging of art and science has resulted in a healing
after the individual portraits were completed. Evaluations of these      role in the lives of these remarkably strong and resilient patients.
multiple interviews clearly demonstrate the very positive impact that
the “Face to Face” portrait program had, not only on the patients, but     Please visit and click on "In the Com-
the families and the artists as well. Without exception, these children  munity" to read more and to watch a short video further describing this
experienced superior overall psychosocial functioning. The most no-      program with interview of the children, their families, the physicians
table impact was observed in the arena of improved self-image, which     and artists.
created an enhanced sense of empowerment in each child.

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