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Virtually all children are natural artists from a young age, when they first experiment with finger paint or crayons. In the treatment
of children with mental illness, this inherent interest in creativity yields extraordinary therapeutic value. Art facilitates the most
vital aspects of therapy — communication, self-expression, insight — in an activity that most children find enjoyable and easily
immerse themselves in.
Whether a child is treated by an art therapist or art is used as part of the therapeutic process, art has a unique capacity to deliver
effective psychological treatment in a way that overcomes some of the challenges of working with young patients while aligning
with their abilities and interests.
Art Therapy
is a Mental Health Profession
By Melissa Dilworth, LPC-AT-S, ATR-BC
Outpatient Therapist, Clarity Child Guidance Center
Art Therapy is a mental health profession. Art Therapists utilize Art helps children over-
knowledge in mental health counseling with advanced training in
artistic processes to assist clients with developmental, cognitive, and come both the limitations
mental health well being. In the state of Texas, Art Therapists are li-
censed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Coun- of verbal expression and
selors. LPC-AT is the licensing credential. National credentialing of
Art Therapists is overseen by the Art Therapy Credentialing Board. the challenges of talking
As a licensed Art Therapist working at Clarity’s outpatient clinic, about difficult subjects,
I have the opportunity to utilize two art therapy approaches with
clients: Art As Therapy and Analysis of Artwork. Art materials and according to Karl Koch,
art directives are prescribed to help address therapy goals. For many
children, emotional regulation is a primary treatment goal, so work- PhD, Psychologist, Clini-
ing with a loose media such as paint may be prescribed. The client
must utilize organizational skills, problem solving strategies, and cal Director - Outpatient,
physical control to manage such a task. Others struggle with limited
insight and may benefit from projective interventions where they Clarity CGC.
draw out a scenario and literally see and assess the image itself in an
objective manner. “Art facilitates expres-
Artwork is a projection of an individuals’ true self. Many individuals, sion of the inner self be-
especially children, have great difficulty articulating what they are feel-
ing. Through the creative process, an individual is able to communicate cause it is less likely to
symbolically. Art Therapists encourage clients to title their artwork, to
speak about the image, or discuss the process of making the piece, to elicit psychological defen-
help facilitate an understanding of their emotional self.
siveness associated with
direct questioning about a A "Picasso" self-portrait from an art
difficult emotional topic,” project in Therapeutic Recreation (TR).
Koch said. “Art also facilitates motivation for treatment because it's
inherently fun for children.”
Because there are only a few licensed Art Therapists in San Anto-
nio, Clarity is fortunate that many of the therapists at Clarity use
therapeutic art interventions to help children and their families. As
a team, Clarity strives to serve our community through quality and
effective treatments. Art is communication. Art brings forth insight.
Art promotes organization. Art is medicine.
22 San Antonio Medicine • July 2017