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The Merging of Art and Science

Face to Face: The Craniofacial Program Portrait Project

                                                         By Kathleen Waller Stewart, MD

  “Face to Face: The Craniofacial Program Portrait Project” is a           Princess Diana, to name a few. Dr. Whitaker and Mr. Shanks shared
unique partnership between the Craniofacial Program at the Chil-           a love of aesthetics and beauty, a natural communion between a plas-
dren’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), the Edwin and Fannie Gray          tic surgeon and painter of the human form. Their conversations on
Center for Human Appearance at The University of Pennsylvania              this topic gave birth to the “Face to Face” venture, which was
School of Medicine, and Studio Incamminati, an art school in               launched in 2013.
Philadelphia dedicated to the techniques and principles of humanist
realism. Through this program, the first of its kind in the United           The foundational concept was for artists affiliated with Studio
States, professional artists paint highly personalized portraits of chil-  Incamminati to paint the portraits of individual children and ado-
dren and adolescents with craniofacial conditions with the goal of         lescents with craniofacial anomalies. Staff psychologists from the
enhancing the lives of all involved.                                       Edwin and Fannie Gray Center for Human Appearance followed
                                                                           these children along with their families closely during the process
The Inception                                                              to assess the impact that this project had on psychosocial function-
  “Face to Face” was the joint brainchild of two remarkably accom-         ing and sense of well-being. The ultimate results of this endeavor
                                                                           have exceeded all expectations.
plished men who happen to be close friends. Linton A. Whitaker,
founder of the Craniofacial Program at CHOP, had a vision that             The Logistics
went beyond repairing cleft lips and palates, which was the pinnacle         The Craniofacial Program at CHOP recognizes that the compli-
of craniofacial plastic surgery when he began practicing his craft.
Dr. Whitaker has developed one the worlds most recognized Cran-            cated surgical approach to caring for these children is only a portion
iofacial Plastic Surgery programs whose mission deals with a multi-        of a larger battle. The psychosocial hurdles facing each young patient
tude of rare and complex craniofacial anomalies that challenge             are myriad and complex. Every child must deal with issues related to
children and adolescents.                                                  disturbed body image and subsequent poor self-esteem.

  Nelson Shanks (1937-2015) was an internationally-renowned                  In order to create a multispecialty, holistic and comprehensive pro-
artist celebrated for his exquisite ability to portray the human con-      gram focusing on these challenges, the physician surgeons at CHOP
dition through his innovated approach to color as seen in his figura-      work closely with the Edwin and Fannie Gray Center for Human
tive works and portraiture. In partnership with his wife, Leona            Appearance at University of Pennsylvania. Not only is physical dis-
Shanks, Studio Incamminati, School for Contemporary Realist Art,           figurement considered a paramount issue for these children, but there
was founded in 2002 in Philadelphia. Nelson Shanks’ commissions            are a multitude of other medical issues that surround speech, eating,
include a vast array of world leaders, including Pope John Paul XXIII,     hearing, and breathing.
President Bill Clinton, the five female Supreme Court justices and,
                                                                             The psychological well being of each child is addressed concomi-
                                                                           tant with the physical. The array of craniofacial conditions encoun-

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