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                                                                         Martin Donlin “Hippocrates”

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anxious, using less medication and spending less time in the hospital.     An art program can increase mobility as patient and caregiver trav-
It may even boost the immune system. It also leads to greater staff      els the floors to look at artworks. It can enhance mood, encourage
retention.                                                               relaxation and improve communication through art therapy. It re-
                                                                         duces anxiety and stress, encourages self-expression, promotes self-
  As University Health System developed its own unique program           esteem and helps some people work through traumatic experiences.
over three and half years, a number of public presentations were held    Caregivers and family members who spend long periods of time
in San Antonio and Austin to increase public awareness. Adminis-         alongside patients can also benefit from the chance to create, to view
trators, nurses, doctors, volunteers and public art city officials pro-  the art work or take advantage of programs aimed at relaxation and
vided guidance and direction to help establish the guidelines for        meditation.
selecting artworks for future floors and clinics. Currently, the pro-
gram has over 2,000 art-related objects throughout all levels of our       Our long-term goal is to develop all of these aspects into a cohe-
hospital and clinical facilities.                                        sive, umbrella-style program that will continue to address the ever-
                                                                         changing needs of our patients with compassion and creativity. We
  This vision and commitment to excellence and education enabled         aspire to the development of a multi-faceted arts program that will
University Health System to establish Salud Arte: Art of Healing in      stimulate healing, creativity and hopefulness, complementing our
2010. This integrated program has three distinct phases for the im-      outstanding medical services and facilities.
plementation of the artwork. First is design enhancement, or art-
work integrated into the construction of the building and                  At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process
augmenting elements already designed. Second is public art in site-      arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer;
specific areas of the building and campus, where the placement of        a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work
an art piece creates a signature element and assists with wayfinding.    and its integrity.” - Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Finally, art procurement is the use of framed two-dimensional items
as well as small sculpture and glass.

  As University Health System celebrates its 100-year legacy of com-
passionate service to the community, art serves as a gateway to a
broader audience of patients and family members who might never
have been exposed to art in the workplace, a place of healing or pub-
lic setting. Just as a library offers expanded knowledge in literature,
a setting with elements of art and creative design can provide positive
distraction and inspiration. Some evidence even suggests it can lower
medical costs through shorter hospital stays and less medication.

  Our art program is not a static list of objects, but a fluid and or-
ganic process that seeks to grow and adapt with the population we
serve. The art program offers a tool for branding and marketing, let-
ting the community know that we are unique in our approach to
patient care and services. At our infusion and blood donor centers,
art was incorporated based on personal input from staff members.
Newly expanded pediatric programs sought to create clinical areas
that provide a healing and welcoming experience for children from
toddlers to teenagers, along with their families.

  University Health System also continues to develop art and hu-
manities partnerships with citywide and regional groups. We joined
with the Witte Museum to create a health awareness campaign for
children (the H-E-B Body Adventure — powered by University
Health System), and developed a poetry and creative writing pro-
gram for our staff with Gemini INK. Other partners include SAY
SI, Sea World, Cambridge Elementary School, McNay Art Museum,
YOSA, Bibliotech and the San Antonio Public Library.

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