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University Health System
100 years of service to the community
By Don Finley, director of external communications, University Health System
The opening of the Robert B. Green Memorial
Hospital a century ago drew a crowd of some
5,000 people who were curious to see what the
newspapers called one of “the most modern and
best-equipped institutions in the south.”
They had reason for a bit of civic pride. The
Robert B. Green, named for a crusading county
judge and state senator, was built with public
funds — the city and county each contributing
half of the $250,000 it cost to build.
When it was discovered there weren’t enough
funds to properly furnish and equip the new hos-
pital, Alexander Joske, owner of Joskes Depart-
ment Store, stepped forward and donated $15,000 The Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital sometime around 1939.
to allow it to open on Feb. 2, 1917.
The reason for that public and private investment was the recog- County Hospital — known today as University Hospital. The med-
nition that San Antonio — the largest city in Texas at the time, and ical school and new hospital were both completed in 1968, affirming
growing larger with an influx of troops massing for the start of World University Health System's role in teaching future generations of
War I and refugees fleeing the Mexican Revolution — very much healthcare professionals.
needed a hospital that would care for all who needed it, regardless University Health System today includes more than two dozen
of their ability to pay. primary care, specialty, preventive and school-based health centers
This year, University Health System is celebrating the centennial throughout the community, including the Robert B. Green Campus
anniversary of its beginnings and taking stock of its history. You — a multi-specialty outpatient center that includes a new, six-story
can read more about that history online at www.universityhealth- clinical pavilion alongside the original historic building. University Hospital still serves as the primary teaching facility for
The years that followed that promising start were rocky. Funding UT Health San Antonio. In 2014, the million-square-foot Sky Tower
was uncertain — not surprising for a hospital that cared for the poor, was completed, providing one of the most beautiful and technolog-
particularly one whose early years included the Great Depression. ically advanced clinical facilities for children and adults anywhere.
Many of the Green’s programs were forced to close for a time. Both the clinical pavilion and Sky Tower were made possible with
Finally, in 1955, Bexar County voters overwhelmingly approved the approval by Bexar County Commissioners of a bond sale to fund
creation of the Bexar County Hospital District and a property tax the $899 million Capital Improvement Project that would position
to fund it, making it one of the first hospital districts in Texas. Bexar University Health System for the challenges of the decades ahead.
County Commissioners approved its budget and appointed its And as University Health System looks ahead to the next 100
Board of Managers. years, we remain committed to healing, advancing knowledge and
After years of communitywide efforts to bring a medical school discovery, and promoting the good health of the community. And
to San Antonio, the school was finally approved by state lawmakers above all, we strive to be compassionate professionals, fostering a
with the stipulation that a new, state-of-the-art teaching hospital be culture of excellence and treating all who enter our doors with kind-
built nearby. In 1965, construction began on the $15 million Bexar ness and respect.
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