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PHOTO © JANIS TURK                                                                               PHOTO © JANIS TURK PHOTO © JANIS MAXYMOF                                                      PHOTO © JANIS MAXYMOF
                                                               PHOTO © JANIS MAXYMOF
                                                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO © JANIS TURK

points, to your arranging their hunting des-    cities to explore, lakes and waterfalls to see,  in the Constantia Valley, and Ellerman House
tination and getting them home. We do all       and animal orphanages to visit. A favorite stay  in Cape Town, or stay downtown at the Taj
we can to ensure that guests and their guns     of many families is Giraffe Manor in Nairobi,    with views of Table Mountain. Visit the
travel safely and have a great trip.”           where giraffes poke their heads into the din-    Robben Island prison where Mandela was
                                                ing room and have breakfast with guests each     held, or go see the penguins on the warm
  Animal lover and professional photogra-       morning. Nearby is Karen Blixen’s house,         sandy beach at Fish Hoek on the False Bay
pher George Ligon, Jr. of North Carolina        where the true-life “Out of Africa” story took   Coast. Take a helicopter ride above Victoria
says only shoots animals with his Canon         place, and just down the road, on land that      Falls in southern Africa on the Zambezi River
camera. “I’ve been able to get the most in-     was once part of Blixen’s original farm,         at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Lis-
credible shots during my safaris in Amboseli    sprawls a handsome five-star hotel called        ten to natives sing in a Khoisan language of
National Park along the Kenya-Tanzania          Hemingways Nairobi, with a golf course, spa,     clicks in Botswana, and go ape in Uganda, or
border. Besides all the spectacular wildlife    fine dining, and grand suites.                   stay in splendor at The Saxon, Johannesburg’s
I’ve seen, I’ve also been able to capture some                                                   most elegant hotel. You can even adopt an
wonderful images of the Masai people who          Other not-to-miss places? Stay at Elsa’s       elephant at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Ele-
live in The Mara. My safari lodge’s staff or-   Kopje in Meru, a luxury safari lodge with        phant orphanage in Kenya.
ganized visits to Masai villages and schools    11 cottages near the spot where George and
for my group, and we were able to meet na-      Joy Adamson camped and raised Elsa the li-         Whether you’re drawn to this mysterious
tive tribesmen and women and even visit         oness of “Born Free.” And beach lovers,          continent to shoot photos or exotics, it’s time
their homes. I will never forget that experi-   don’t forget Africa’s stunning coastal resorts   to heed the call of the wild, for out of Africa,
ence, and I have felt safe and welcome each     in Mozambique, and near cities like Zanz-        an oh so civilized adventure awaits.
time I’ve visited Africa.”                      ibar, Diani and Lamu.
                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO © JANIS MAXYMOF
  Non-hunting travelers may book their trips      There is an Africa out there for everybody.
through American companies like Premier         So, if you want to ride in a hot air balloon
Tours, which handles Wilderness Safari vaca-    over desert sand dunes, start at Sossusvlei in
tions, or find choose luxury accommodations     Namibia. Want to witness the annual great
in Africa through the helpful experts from      wildebeest migration? Visit the Masai Mara
Elewana Collection (www.elewanacollec-          in Kenya from July through October. Want Hunters may want to turn to or-      to climb to see the snows of Kilimanjaro?
ganizations like Travel with Guns               Turn to Tanzania. Then go on safari in
(www.travelwithguns) before planning their      Kruger National Park, followed by a stay in
next trip.                                      Cape Town with side-trips to wine lands
                                                nearby in South Africa. While there, visit the
  Besides the experience of safari life, there  La Residence in Franschhoek, The Steenberg
are spectacular hotels to enjoy in Africa, big

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