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Continued from page 33                                                  Every study, trial and experiment has many people behind the
                                                                      scenes working to coordinate the many different pieces that
  9 in patients with high blood potassium. Up to 98 percent of pa-    come together to conduct and complete these programs. Most
  tients saw a return to normal potassium levels in the first month.  of the names do not appear as authors, but they are significant
  Non-absorbed zirconium silicate, ZS-9, is designed to preferen-     contributors all the same. My congratulations goes out to all the
  tially trap potassium ions in order to lower and maintain control   outstanding faculty and their teams for the great work repre-
  of serum potassium levels. The articles appeared in the January     sented here.
  15, 2015 NEJM and December 2014 JAMA. ZS-9 was cleared
  by the FDA for kidney patients in October 2015.

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School of Medicine                                                      Francisco González-Scarano
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  We offer the most clinical trials in the region (Phase 1, 2 and     utive Vice President for Medical
3) for many different conditions and diseases. If you’re interested   Affairs University of Texas
in referring a patient, please visit our clinical trial website       Health Science Center San An- or our Phase 1 cancer trials at     tonio John P. Howe, III, MD,
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                                                                      Policy Professor of Neurology.
   We also have a unique program for private physicians who wish
to be involved in clinical research. Called the “Practice-Based Re-
search Network” (PBRN), you can start your own studies or join
others already involved in research. Contact our PBRN office at
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