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Buy and
and the

Aspect Wealth Management

  According to the Wall Street Journal, in the 1970s most experts        pain seeing their portfolio values down month after month when
believed that modern economies were fundamentally stable, and            reviewing their account statements.
deep recessions and financial crises were unusual events caused by
outside events such as bad government policies, wars and oil price         Many academicians and theorists have suggested that the best way
shocks. Current popular economic theory suggests that recessions         to get through these difficult markets is to buy low-cost index funds,
and bear markets occur regularly, and the groundwork for them is         hold onto them for a long time and you will eventually be rewarded.
actually laid during periods of relative stability. Regardless of which  Historically, this approach has worked every time but with one big
camp you fall into, one vitally important question that every investor   caveat: your success depends greatly on when you begin taking in-
must address is “How will you weather the next bear market?”             come from your investment portfolio. For 30-year old investors, the
                                                                         recent bear market in the “Great Recession” of 2008 and 2009 ac-
  From the beginning of 1980 through 2014 (35 years) the stock           tually created a great opportunity to invest more capital at low
market rose an astounding 82 percent of the time (only six down          prices, and to patiently watch as they were rewarded. However, for
years). However, the severity of the down years derailed some of the     those in or near retirement, declines of 30 percent, 40 percent or
best constructed retirement plans for millions of Americans. In the      even 50 percent were disastrous. Delaying retirement by five years
past 15 years the S&P 500 Index has fallen by about 50 percent           or going back to work were not uncommon remedies to get retire-
twice. Most investors reading this article can remember with great       ment plans back on track.

28 San Antonio Medicine • May 2016
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