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In our experience of serving clients over four decades, we have We have concluded that the right way to manage irreplaceable
concluded that, while academic theories seem to work for in- capital is to have a repeatable strategy that is not dependent on pre-
vestors with unlimited time horizons, we don’t know anyone like dicting the future, but that nimbly responds to changes in momen-
that. Our clients are people who have worked hard, added great tum in order to either protect capital or capture gains. Our clients
value to their communities through their personal and profes- have been quite willing to give up some upside during strong bull
sional contributions, and who now want to enjoy their families markets in order to protect against big declines. We call this process
without worrying about money. Fact-Based Investing but our clients might summarize it as good
growth without the worry.
An investment process that is focused on minimizing the damage
in declining markets has the potential to make retirement much eas- Aspect Wealth Management has managed portfolios for the Bexar
ier. From 1948 to 2012, a $100,000 investment in the Dow Jones County Medical Society for over 15 years. As a member of the society, if
Industrial Average would have turned into $7.2 million using an you would like a complimentary Stress Test of your portfolio to find out
index Buy & Hold strategy. By avoiding the 10 worst quarters, that how it is most vulnerable, please contact us at 210-268-1500.
number would have grown to $51 million.* However, our research
has shown that some of the best periods of performance immediately Sources: “Why Bear Markets are Inevitable”, WSJ, 2/13/15;
follow the worst periods. So while it’s possible to build a strategy to Morningstar; WBI Investments.
miss much of the really bad markets, we don’t know of any way to
capture all the up markets at the same time. However, you don’t *The hypothetical investment results are for illustrative purposes only and should
need to do this to have excellent results. By missing both the 10 not be deemed a representation of past or future results. Actual investment results
worst and 10 best quarters the $100,000 investment would have may be more or less than those shown. This does not represent any specific product.
grown to over $10 million —a 39 percent increase over the Buy & Indexes are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly.
Hold strategy.
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