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CALL OF THE WILD                                                                                   By Janis Turk

Whether you hunt exotics, or simply aim to shoot great photos,
a wild and wonderful African adventure awaits.

  There is perhaps no place quite so civilized   drives where guests may see some of the           were just going to Africa so they could check
as Africa.                                       world’s most spectacular birds and animals.       ‘safari’ off their bucket lists and move on, only
                                                                                                   to find it was better than they ever imagined
  Deep in the bush, surrounded by wildlife         Life in the bush is quiet and restful. A typ-   and Africa got under their skin. Then, the
as marvelous and mammoth as the land they        ical daily schedule is “eat, see animals, sleep,  minute they got home, they began booking
inhabit, travelers soon fall into the easy       repeat,” and each evening ends with a “sun-       their next trip,” says Katie Rees, a young New
rhythm of life in the wild.                      downer”: time to toast the sunset and nosh        Yorker who has been to many countries in
                                                 on snacks as the rose-colored dusk is over-       Africa and recently climbed Kilimanjaro in
  There, the days are bordered by early sun-     taken by the night. Then, relax after supper      Tanzania with her boyfriend. She’s so smitten
rises and too-soon sunsets, while carefree af-   by a campfire beneath the Southern Cross          with Africa that she’s learned some Swahili.
ternoons fly by on the wind as it skips like     and watch stars as white as elephant tusks
a stone across hippo-filled rivers. On safari,   freefall in the sky.                                For others, though, Africa is still unchar-
during long game hunts tracking elephant,                                                          tered territory; they want to go but feel in-
giraffe, cheetah, rhino and more, hours pass       Long ago, Africa was dubbed the “The            timidated. They’re not sure where to go, what
at the unhurried pace of clouds casting          Dark Continent,” because, in spite of Euro-       tour to book, how to get there, whether or
shadows on the brown-striped backs of a          pean exploration and colonization, it re-         not they want to shoot photos or hunt, what
hundred zebras.                                  mained a place of profound mystery. Today,        permits they need, how it all works, and if it
                                                 more than a century later, its wild mystique      is really safe.
  “Out of Africa” author Karen Blixen said it    endures.
best: “You know you are truly alive when                                                             “No problem,” says Steve Turner, presi-
you’re living among lions.”                        Texans seem especially drawn to Africa.         dent of a unique San Antonio company of-
                                                 Wanna-be-cowboys at heart, we’re hard-wired       fering a bespoke travel service called “Travel
  Whether you’ve heard the call of the wild      to love wide open spaces and get the allure of    with Guns. “We can help. Our team mem-
and traveled to Africa to capture extraordi-     “Big Five” game hunts, tented camps with          bers are all experts in airline rules and inter-
nary photos, or you’re there to hunt exotics,    mosquito-net canopies, rugged Land Rover          national regulations for transporting guns
no other vacation experience rivals an African   rides, and Hemingway’s stories of khaki-wear-     to hunting destinations worldwide. We’ve
safari adventure.                                ing, pith-hat-donning hunters.                    been in this business for ___ years, and
                                                                                                   helped __(hundreds? Thousands? ) of trav-
  But that doesn’t mean you have to rough          Baby Boomers grew up watching Disney’s          elers travel with guns worldwide. I’ve lived
it. These days guests can book safari lodges     take on Kipling’s “Jungle Book” and “Born         and worked in Africa, so I know just what
that may be either as luxurious as a 5-star      Free” in the sixties. Then in the 80s, we fell    hunters need. We want our guests to enjoy
hotel room or as rustic as a small canvas tent   in love with Africa all over again with Robert    their trip and have a worry-free, turn-key
with a bucket shower. Stay in one spot, or       Redford and Meryl Streep in “Out of Africa.”      experience, so we do everything, from ar-
travel to other camps by air or land, and enjoy  Fast forward thirty years, and we’re still suck-  ranging airline tickets, to handling transient
as many countries and regions as you can.        ers for safari romance.
Most all safari lodges offer excellent, highly
trained guides and exciting twice-daily game       “I’ve met several travelers who told me they

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