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The new BCMS building features a boardroom with arched windows
looking out onto the Texas Hill Country and built-in bookshelves made
of mahogany. A large conference room on the second floor provides
ample space for meetings and events.

work? Yes, it was! But it really was done with a lot of love for our     The antique books that are displayed in the hallways will amaze
physicians who take care of so many people each day. We wanted to      the most avid book enthusiast. The flagship of the building is the
have a space that is a nod to the esteemed past of BCMS with a for-    spectacular board room with the arched window and the display of
ward look to a very successful future.                                 the old bound American Medical Association JAMAs, Texas Medical
                                                                       Association periodicals and BCMS journals and magazines going
  We welcome all members to remember our history, but use the          back to almost the beginning of modern medicine, but also includ-
new building as physicians have our other locations in the past.       ing other treasures that physicians have donated through the years.
There is plenty of conference space that can be configured for vari-
ous types of meetings — whether formal, classroom or social. The         If you haven’t stopped by or missed our open house in May, please
main conference room can be divided into three, individual meeting     stop in, we would love to see you and give you a personal tour.
spaces if you need to have breakout sessions. The dividable confer-
ence room is equipped with dropdown screens and LCD ceiling                          Melody Newsom is the chief operating officer for BCMS.
mounted projectors and a wonderful sound system that should meet
the needs of anyone using the rooms.

                                                                       visit us at 27
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