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The event that started it all:
Culinaria’s Festival Week
May 13-17
Special to San Antonio Medicine
What started out as a small, weekend fes- ing things up a bit when it comes to the Festival Week begins on May 13 with the
tival of friends, a few select chefs and a sam- specific events. Those changes will be most Wine Dinners that will have a few twists as
pling of boutique wines continues to evolve evident in the Saturday lineup of events. well. Plans are still in the works for the final
and expand with events such as the 5K Wine Traditionally, seminars have been con- schedule of the dinners. May 14 will feature
and Beer Run, San Antonio Restaurant ducted throughout the day in venues away additional dinners as well as the family-fa-
Week (now twice a year) and the event that from the evening events and have fallen in vorite Food Truck at H-E-B Alon Town
started it all, Festival Week. While Culi- line with the visiting chefs, winemakers or Centre. On May 15, the popular Becker
naria’s Festival Week, set for May 13-17 this notable beverages. This year, alternatively, Luncheon at Becker Vineyards will provide
year, is the foundation of how the organiza- Culinaria is adding the Culinary Grotto, the chance to start the weekend early, and,
tion began, it has changed by leaps and which offers guests the opportunity to visit for those who enjoy happy hour festivities,
bounds from the original series of events that any one of several “districts” and as many a Tequila Happy Hour has been added to
started 15 years ago. as they would like. The districts will be di- precede the Best of Mexico.
vided into categories such as the Chef Dis-
Now, hopefully, this doesn’t set off panic trict, Cocktails, Culinaria Cinema, and BURGER AND BEER
alarms for attendees who have been loyal pa- Wine. There also will be a Dessert Lounge, Events on May 17 may be last on the
trons for all of these years. It simply suggests a silent auction and additional vendors on
that the organization has changed with the site to complete the afternoon. The Culi- schedule, but there is still plenty of festive
times but also has maintained the funda- nary Grotto is meant to provide an interac- left in the festivities. The crowd and chef fa-
mental premise behind the nonprofit, which tive experience for guests and takes the vorite – Burgers and Beer – remains in the
is to bring visitors to San Antonio for the educational component of Culinaria to a lineup at Pearl and offers a casual afternoon
emerging scene. In other words, to put San new level. It will take place from 1 p.m. to of extreme burgers (beyond the average
Antonio on the map when it comes to culi- 4 p.m. May 16 at the Henry B. Gonzalez backyard version), cold beverages, and a live
nary destinations. Convention Center. band to spice up the entertainment. Sunday
concludes Festival Week with a multicourse
With key partnerships in the community For the dedicated, all-day attendee of Tequila Dinner at Casa Hernán that will fea-
and nationwide, a passion for supporting the Culinaria’s Saturday festivities, a small break ture a blend of culture, cocktails, cuisine and
chefs in the community and a diverse demo- will take place between the Culinary Grotto a bit of education along the way.
graphic base that expands beyond the and the Bubble Room, which begins at 6
United States, Culinaria is working toward p.m., or the Grand Tasting, which starts at Culinaria is also making it easier for guests
its mission the best way organizers know 7 p.m., both at the Henry B. Gonzalez Con- to enjoy more than one event of Festival
how – by creating events that captivate au- vention Center at the River Walk level in the Week by offering various ticket packages.
diences and media. Grotto. Some of the districts will continue Proceeds from the ticket packages directly
through to Grand Tasting, as well as the ad- benefit the Culinaria Urban Farm, a project
CULINARY GROTTO ADDED dition of a new component, the Culinaria that is under way for the nonprofit organi-
While many culinary festivals across the Night Market, which will feature a mix of zation and falls under their Hope for Hos-
visiting chefs from across the country and a pitality umbrella of programs, which also
country host their events in one central lo- few local chefs to create Asian-inspired menu promotes San Antonio as a culinary destina-
cation, Culinaria continues to utilize the items that add a bit of diversity to the walk- tion while providing culinary scholarships to
San Antonio backdrop as the stage for in- around event. local students and financial support to chefs
dividual events that make up Festival Week. enduring personal hardships.
The organization also prides itself in chang-
24 San Antonio Medicine • April 2015