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American Diabetes Association
offers physician, patient resources
Special to San Antonio Medicine
More than 29.1 million Americans — including 14 percent of CAMP POWER UP
the San Antonio population — have diabetes. An estimated 21 Camp Power Up is a new education program this year designed
million people have been diagnosed, and 8.1 million people are
unaware that they have the disease. Another 86 million people to help address the crucial need to educate high-risk youth about
have pre-diabetes. If current trends continue, one in three Amer- the health dangers of diabetes. Camp will help youth ages 10 to
ican adults will have diabetes by 2050. More people die from di- 14 who have been identified to be at risk of developing diabetes
abetes each year than from AIDS and breast cancer combined. through multiple risk factors identified by their physician. Camp
will offer an educational and fun-filled environment and will focus
And yet, to some extent, it’s within everyone’s power to change on diabetes education, nutrition, physical activity, and obesity
these statistics – by ensuring that all patients are screened for high prevention or management. Also included in the curriculum are
glucose levels and receive education on how to prevent or better outdoor play, arts and crafts, and field trips. Youth will meet new
manage diabetes. Type 2 diabetes often can be prevented, delayed, friends and learn along-side others with similar health issues.
or controlled with a reduced risk for complications. The American Healthy snacks and lunches will be provided as well as food-prepa-
Diabetes Association provides local opportunities to inform pa- ration demonstrations. Camp is free for participants referred by a
tients about diabetes risks, complications, treatments and prod- physician. Maria S. “Sukie” Rayas, MD, a pediatric endocrinolo-
ucts to help them manage or prevent the disease year-round. It is gist with UT Medicine, is the camp’s medical director, helping to
the association’s mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to im- develop the curriculum to motivate campers to embrace healthier
prove the lives of all people affected by diabetes. habits. Camp Power Up also is presented by University Health
System’s Children’s Health Program.
With its local partners, including many from the healthcare in-
dustry, the American Diabetes Association offers programs and STEP OUT: WALK TO STOP DIABETES
events throughout the year that include free health screenings for Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes is one of the American Dia-
glucose levels and potential complications, professional speakers
on related topics, access to physicians and clinics, and an oppor- betes Association’s signature events. The annual walk brings thou-
tunity to increase physical activity. Below is an overview of the sands of people together to raise funds for diabetes research and
events and programs available: education as well as to raise awareness about diabetes in San An-
tonio. Participants will enjoy entertainment and themed rest
TOUR DE CURE stops along with prizes, food and a Family Fun Area with chil-
The Tour de Cure is a fundraising cycling event held each year dren’s activities. This year’s Step Out: Walk will take place on
Halloween, Oct. 31, at Mission County Park Pavilion I.
to benefit the American Diabetes Association. The tour is a ride,
not a race, with routes designed for everyone from the occasional STOP DIABETES DAY
rider to the experienced cyclist. Whether riders travel 1 mile or Stop Diabetes Day (formerly known as Diabetes EXPO) is San
100 miles, they find a route supported from start to finish with
rest stops, food to fuel the journey and cheering fans. This year’s Antonio’s largest diabetes self-care management health fair that
Tour de Cure San Antonio is set for May 9 starting at Texas A&M features informative speakers, cooking demonstrations, free health
University-San Antonio. Lyssa Ochoa, MD, a vascular surgeon screenings and diabetes-focused exhibitors that feature the latest
with Peripheral Vascular Associates, is this year’s Red Rider Chair diabetes products, meters, services and medicines. Stop Diabetes
on the tour committee, helping to encourage those living with di- Day is free to the public and will be held on World Diabetes Day,
abetes to cycle as a way to help manage glucose levels and stay ac- Nov. 14, at the newly relocated Norris Conference Center in the
tive throughout the year in a low-impact sport. Park North Shopping Center near Loop 410 and Blanco Road.
26 San Antonio Medicine • April 2015