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AMERICAN DIABETES MONTH used in conjunction with a larger worksite wellness program. The
November is American Diabetes Month, a time to communi- diabetes association works with companies throughout the year
to create a wellness program that works best for their needs.
cate the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of diabetes
prevention and control. For years, the American Diabetes Asso- POR TU FAMILIA
ciation has used this month as an opportunity to raise awareness Designed specifically for the Hispanic/Latino community, Por
of the disease and its serious complications. The American Dia-
betes Association will pay tribute to those who work to Stop Di- Tu Familia, or “For your Family,” is a fun, activity-based educa-
abetes® every day. At the same time, Americans will be rallied tional program about the prevention and management of dia-
to join these champions in the Stop Diabetes movement by pledg- betes. The program consists of a series of eight workshops available
ing to take actions against diabetes. in English and Spanish. The workshops may be taught by trained
volunteers or promotoras at faith-based organizations, schools or
STOP DIABETES @ WORK other community centers.
For companies large and small, a key to controlling spiraling
In addition to these events, the diabetes association also delivers
health costs is to help employees prevent and manage diabetes. diabetes education and awareness to the community throughout
Strategies for preventing and controlling diabetes also can reduce the year through health fairs and speaker presentations. Free re-
the risk for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high sources are available for physicians to help patients who are newly
cholesterol. For that reason, the American Diabetes Association diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and are available at
offers Stop Diabetes @ Work, an evidence-based program that, in
cooperation with employers, addresses diabetes awareness, detec-
tion, prevention and successful management. This program can For more information, visit or
be used as a stand-alone healthy worksite initiative or it can be call 210-829-1765.
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