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Community gardens support

Food Bank expansion

A Special to San Antonio Medicine

                                In 2007 when     port the Spurs Community Garden for its            Garden was plowed up and moved to a part
                            the San Antonio      first five years. The volunteers tilled, planted,  of the campus just between the Food Bank
                           Food Bank moved       pruned, and harvested tens of thousands of         and the City’s Animal Care Services com-
                           to its current loca-  pounds of produce over those first years, with     plex. The new and improved garden, which
                             tion at Hwy 151     each and every pound being used to nourish         reopened in 2013, also anchors the Harvey
                                                 a hungry individual in San Antonio.                Najim Children’s Pavilion. The Pavilion was
                              and Old U.S.                                                          built as a large outdoor market structure,
                             Hwy 90, one of        Simultaneous to establishing the Spurs           harkening back to the area’s original roots in
                          the benefits the or-   Community Garden, the Food Bank also               farming. Today, the Pavilion is used by vol-
                    ganization envisioned was    began to cultivate a half-acre teaching gar-       unteers who work the Community Garden
                 once again putting a till in    den. The teaching garden aims to educate the       (bathrooms, lockers, shade, tool storage, and
the soil that was for decades part of one of     local community with all the basics of build-      picnic tables), as well as being home to a
the largest and most respected of the old Bel-   ing and maintaining a modest garden at one’s       monthly Farmers’ Market one Saturday a
gian farms on the City’s Westside: the Van-      own home, school, or business. Hundreds of         month. The Farmers’ Market features pro-
derwalle Farm.                                   local children, youth, and adults have visited     duce from the Community Garden along
  The Food Bank began tilling the old Van-       the teaching garden and learned first-hand         with other produce from local farmers.
derwalle farm first with a modest, two-acre      the joys and responsibilities of cultivating
community garden, generously supported           and maintaining their own garden.                    Two tremendous “green”energy strategies
with help from our San Antonio                                                                      support the Community Garden. First, the
Spurs. Thousands of volunteers helped sup-         When the Food Bank went into expansion           Food Bank has a wind turbine in the mid-
                                                 mode in 2012-2013, the Spurs Community

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