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dle of the garden, with the turbine gener- A team of three farmers prepare and han- erates six farmers markets that are open a
ating 100 percent of the energy for the dle all matters of the Urban Farm: irrigation, total of 11 times in a given month. Sites for
Najim Pavilion from wind power; and, sec- crop rotation, planting, pruning, and of the markets are not your typical farmers’
ond, the Food Bank has partnered with course harvesting. When possible the farm market locations, including sites like the
neighboring food manufacturer Bay Valley team integrates volunteers into the Urban downtown site at Main Plaza (every Tues-
Foods to secure and store re-used water that Farm experience, especially when the Spurs day), a location at a San Antonio Housing
is then pumped back to the garden to water Community Garden does not need the extra Authority complex, a market at Sam Hous-
the crops. In fact, the Food Bank can store attention. A portion of the produce from the ton High School, and one on the Eastside at
up to 500,000 gallons of water onsite; Urban Farm supports the meals for the the Ella Austin Community Center. All
catching rainwater, condensate from its air homeless at Haven for Hope, the homeless areas, identified as food deserts, welcome the
conditioners, as well as the water from Bay campus downtown, prepared by the Food availability and selection they would other-
Valley Foods. Bank’s chefs. The remaining produce goes wise not be able to add to their diet.
largely to hundreds of food pantries through-
In 2013, the San Antonio Food Bank ne- out the region, providing them with a The Food Bank would love for the com-
gotiated with the City of San Antonio, along healthy, locally-grown offering for the hun- munity to learn more about the many agri-
with neighboring food manufacturer Bay gry who visit them. cultural initiatives. The easiest way to get
Valley Foods, to begin farming an additional acquainted is to either come for a tour or
25 acres of adjacent land. The Food Bank’s Finally, the Food Bank operates the San volunteer. You can ask for a tour or request
Urban Farm is the crown jewel in its agricul- Antonio Food Bank Farmers’ Market Asso- a volunteer shift by visiting the Food Bank’s
tural initiatives and is thought by many to be ciation, a conglomeration of local farmers website: Check it
the largest urban farm in a major metropol- who support the many Food Bank farmers out. You won’t regret the investment of
itan area in the State. markets across the City. The Food Bank op- your time.
visit us at 29