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        The Key Role of BCMS in Founding

        San Antonio’s EMS System

        By Jack Williamson, MD

          March 1, 2024 marks the 50th anniversary
        of the San Antonio Fire Department Emer-
        gency Medical Services (EMS), whose Emer-
        gency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and
        modulances answered their first calls on
        March 1, 1974. Getting EMS rolling in 1974
        required the combined efforts of many gov-
        ernments and organizations in our commu-
        nity, including the San Antonio Fire
        Department, the University of Texas Health
        Science Center at San Antonio, Southwest
        Research Institute and the Bexar County
        Medical Society.
          The Medical Society played a key role in or-
        ganizing this collective effort to launch an
        EMS system for San Antonio. In May 1972,
        Bill Center, President of the Medical Society,
        asked me to chair a new Emergency Medical
        Services Committee to develop plans for the
        City of San Antonio and Bexar County to im-
        plement an EMS system.  As an orthopaedist
        who had been practicing in San Antonio
        emergency rooms since 1961, I had seen many
        victims of trauma who arrived at the hospital
        in terrible condition. The ambulance company
        who held a contract with the city did not have
        trained EMTs, and their ambulances, which
        were similar to the hearses they also operated,
        lacked the space or equipment to provide ef-
        fective medical care in transit.
          I knew that San Antonio could offer its cit-
        izens better emergency care. At the Texas
        Medical Association meeting in May 1972 at
        the HemisFair convention center, I had spo-  scenes to start trained medical care within   ices in Houston and began developing recom-
        ken with members of the Houston Fire De-  minutes.  Direct two-way radio communica-  mendations on how to implement EMS in
        partment, who were displaying one of their   tions between EMTs and emergency room   San Antonio.  One of the recommendations
        new “modulances” that had ample room and   staff was also required to provide the right care   was to train firefighters as EMTs.
        equipment to care for patients in transit.  San   during transport and after delivery.    In the following weeks, the EMS Commit-
        Antonio needed not only modulances, but   In late May 1972, members of the Medical   tee quickly evolved into the San Antonio and
        also crews of EMTs stationed across the city   Society EMS Committee attended the first   Bexar County EMS Council, sponsored
        who could be dispatched quickly to accident   national meeting on emergency medical serv-  jointly by the city, county and Medical Soci-

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