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             Fraud Protection for Your Practice:

                                 NOT IF, BUT WHEN

                       By Maria Breen, Executive Vice President, Private Banking Manager at The Bank of San Antonio

        Fraud and Cybercrime: It's not a matter  states away or across the globe can steal mil-  training. Your employees are your first line of
        of ‘if,’ it's a matter of ‘when’     lions from a business with the click of a mouse.   defense, and no one should be exempt from par-

          Businesses of every size and every industry                            ticipating in frequent exercises to keep your
                                             "You will have a cyber incident if you
        will, at some point, experience cybercrime at-                           practice safe in the ongoing fight to protect your
                                             own a business. It will happen. It is
        tempts. How companies execute their cyber                                practice from experiencing cybercrime. 
                                             probably happening today." 
        protection strategy can be the difference be-                              Cybercrime protection strategies are rarely
                                             – Andrew Moore, COO, IronEdge Group.
        tween a mere bump in the road and an eco-                                at the forefront of business strategies; however,
        nomic disaster. A solid cyber protection   A robust cybersecurity game plan includes   the increasing sophistication of cybercrime at-
        strategy includes many fraud prevention tools   protection on two fronts: your internal data   tempts forces increased urgency for business
        to safeguard your accounts and practice. Con-  and your financial assets within your   owners to remain tirelessly vigilant. Leveraging
        sider putting together a fraud protection team   bank. IronEdge Group executives and cyber-  the expertise of your banker and treasury man-
        comprising not only your banker but also a   security experts, Andrew Moore and Patrick   agement thought partners to ensure you have
        treasury solutions expert who collaborates   Maese, implore business owners to take fraud   the right tools in place to protect your growing
        with you and your banker to recommend cus-  prevention seriously. "As a business owner, the   practice is vitally important. 
        tomized cash management solutions and cyber   biggest lie you can tell yourself is that if you
        protection tools. This collaborative approach   haven't been attacked yet by cybercrime, you   Maria Breen, Executive Vice Presi-
        leverages the insights of experts so that you   won't be," said Patrick Maese, Vice President,   dent, Private Banking Manager at The
        have a critical advantage in keeping your pa-  San Antonio Client Experience, IronEdge   Bank of San Antonio is a San Antonio
        tients protected and your business financially   Group. "For healthcare practices, implement-  native and financial expert with a heart for serv-
        healthy and growing.                 ing fraud protection tools is a matter of patient   ing her clients and community. As the head of Pri-
                                             and practice safety."               vate Banking at The Bank of San Antonio, Maria
        Fraud protection tools are necessary   Adequate cybersecurity requires time and re-  uses her over 30 years of financial services experi-
        now more than ever                   sources, so it pays to collaborate with the right   ence to help her clients build the lives and legacies
          Fraud is a $7 billion "industry," and Texas   team of experts and enact ongoing, third-party   they envision.
        businesses are the third-hardest hit in the   assessments of your plan. As the owner of a   Beyond her work at the Bank, Maria is also
        United States. The attacks on healthcare oper-  healthcare practice, knowing where your data is   the Board chair for AVANCE San Antonio and
        ations nationwide are at an all-time high, dou-  and which of it needs protection is essential. For   Committee Co-chair for Impact SA. With a
        bling since 2016. Thieves no longer need to   example, protect internal practice data by keep-  deep-rooted love for serving others, Maria sees
        come to your front door to steal money or   ing a copy of data off-site and testing backups   private banking as an extension of her passion
        data. Someone sitting on their couch two   regularly. Most important, however, is employee   for taking care of people in her community.

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