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ADVOCATING for Medical Excellence: UNIFYING Colleagues, Community
• President of South Texas Wound Associates, for a Better Tomorrow:
PA • Co-chair of TMA Foundation’s 2018 Gala,
• President of TIMEO2 Healing Concepts, raising funds for statewide initiatives to im-
LLC prove health and access to care as well as
• Medical Director for Northeast Baptist awarding funds to the next generation of
Wound Healing Center doctors and nurses.
• Co-Medical Director for Mission Trail Bap- • Vice Chair of TexPac District 21
tist Wound Healing Center • Board of Directors for American Associa-
• President of American College of Hyper- tion of Physicians of Indian Origin Chari-
baric Medicine, 2016-2020 table Foundation
• President of American College of Clinical • President of India Asia Association of San
Wound Specialists, 2013-2015 Antonio
• Medical Director of Southwest Center for • Vice Chair of BCMS Publications Com-
Wound Care, 2000-2012 mittee
• Executive Committee for Northeast Baptist
Hospital, 2020-Present As TMAA President-Elect, I love working
• Vice Chief of Staff for Southwest General with Jay. He recognizes the diverse contributions
Hospital, 2009-2011 the Alliance brings to the family of medicine. His
• Medicine Chair for Southwest General leadership style promotes a cohesive and support-
Hospital, 2008-2009 ive medical community.
• Chief of Staff for Uvalde Memorial Hospi- Jenny Shepherd – TMAA President-Elect; TexPac Board
Member; Past President, BCMSA
tal, 1999
Dr. Jayesh "Jay" Shah and Mrs. Neha Shah
In all of these organizations, Jay has a repu-
Dr. Shah is a kind, compassionate and caring
tation not only for performing his job excel-
person in all he does. He is a great listener, in- Dr. Jay Shah has clearly demonstrated his
lently, but also for being an innovator and
clusive and collaborative in working with others. commitment to organized medicine throughout
leader in driving positive change throughout
Dr. Shah has demonstrated excellent leadership his many years of service to the TMA and as a
the entire organization and profession. Jay has
in fulfilling key leadership roles at all levels of delegate to the AMA. We, physicians of Texas,
dedicated six years serving on the Board of the
organized medicine. He has well served patients can be very proud of Jay’s service and his com-
Texas Medical Association, and 16 years as a
and clinicians for many years, and I am confi- mitment to the principles of physicians in the
Texas Delegate to the American Medical As-
dent he will continue to do so if elected as a practice of medicine, whether it be private prac-
sociation. His extensive background con-
TMA President. tice, academic endeavors, group practice, multi-
tributes both vast leadership expertise and
Michael Battista, MD – Past Board of specialty groups, specialty or Internal Medicine.
Directors, BCMS cultural diversity. With this wealth of experi-
His experience in serving Texas physicians is why
ence, Jay is now poised to as-
we need Dr. Jay Shah as TMA’s President-Elect
sume the role of President
to continue his excellent service.
and spokesperson for the
Dr. Tom Garcia – Past President,
most prestigious medical or- Texas Medical Association
ganization in the country,
the Texas Medical Associa- David N. Henkes, MD, is a 2005
tion. Bexar County physi- Bexar County Medical Society Presi-
cians are fortunate to have a dent; Past Chair, TMA Board of
representative and leader Trustees; and Chair, Texas Delegation to AMA.
like Jay advocating for our Dr. Henkes is a member of the Bexar County
profession. Medical Society.
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