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         Jet Lag: Falling Asleep with Diamonds

                                                  By Rajam Ramamurthy, MD

       T      he Lufthansa flight landed in Mumbai, India at 1:00 a.m. The   every 24 hours and controls our sleep-wake cycle. The anterior hypo-

              passengers were wide awake after traveling from San Antonio
                                                              thalamus is an area in our brain where the suprachiasmatic nucleus
              via Chicago and Frankfurt for 21 hours halfway around the
                                                              acts to external cues like light and darkness, and synchronizes the body’s
        world. You can think that the Indian Standard Time (ISD) is exactly   (SCN), a pair of distinct neuronal clusters, is located. This tiny area re-
        12 hours ahead of our central time plus-minus 30 minutes to an hour   internal clock with the external environment in peripheral tissues and
        and a half based on our daylight savings time. Yes, according to my San   other brain regions. The scientific name for jet lag is “Desynchronosis.”
        Antonio time, I was wide awake in the middle of the afternoon. After   Light is sensed by the ganglion cells in the retina that convert the pho-
        clearing the customs and immigration formalities, I boarded the flight   ton energy into an electrical signal. This is directly projected onto the
        to Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), which I reached at 6:00 a.m. ISD.   SCN regions of the brain, which will influence the secretion of mela-
        At 9:00 a.m., I spoke at the Indian Academy of Pediatrics National   tonin. These signals maintain a consistent rhythmic order of the bio-
        Conference. I was satisfied with my presentation and enjoyed the deli-  logical processes.
        cious lunch, the local cuisine, which is my hometown, and meeting so   Experimental, bilateral ablation of the hypothalamus in rodents, pi-
        many friends, colleagues and medical students. In the afternoon, I was   tuitary tumors and human vascular disease could disrupt the circadian
        on a panel. Uncontrollable fatigue overtook me, and I woke up with a   control of behavior, and metabolic and endocrine functions. The mis-
        jolt when my head dropped on my shoulder; it was past my usual bed-  alignment causes a disturbance in the secretion of the hormone mela-
        time in San Antonio, 1:00 a.m. Jet lag, I thought. I did manage the rest   tonin, which regulates sleep — thus, there is interest in melatonin as a
        of the day tired, with low energy and a royal headache, all symptoms   treatment modality. Sleep deprivation, as happens in night shift work-
        of jet lag. At about the same time, my spouse had a scrumptious break-  ers, late-night eating for the same reason, and chronic jet lag, with fre-
        fast prepared by his sister, with whom we stayed. He slept from 9:00   quent international travels, has led to a public health crisis. Mood
        a.m. till 5:00 p.m. ISD, which coincided with his San Antonio sleep   disorders, obesity, diabetes and cancer are found to be associated with
        time and was bright and cheerful at dinner. However,
        I was completely adjusted to the ISD the following
        day, and he could not sleep at night for the next few
        days. I was in bright daylight, and he was still in the
        U.S. zone. People often marveled at my ability to jump
        into a working mode. Yes, the pressure of work, not to
        minimize my compulsive shopping spree when I was
        in India, kept me awake. The same disruption happens
        upon returning home to San Antonio; however, it is
        not so pronounced. This may be partially due to the
        necessity of work and other chores. It is also known
        that jet lag is worse with travel to the east.
          What is jet lag? Jet lag, or flight fatigue, is a tempo-
        rary disruption of the body's internal biological clock
        caused by rapid travel across multiple time zones. Our
        circadian rhythm (the body’s internal clock), which
        regulates the sleep-wake cycles, becomes misaligned
        with the external environment, the presence of dark-
        ness and light.
          Delving a little into physiology, the circadian
        rhythm is a natural physiological process that repeats

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