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        The sleep doctor is in                                 extolling the health benefits of good sleep — both quantity and quality
          Here are my recommendations: first and foremost, ensure there are   — continue to mount. You won’t regret your efforts — facing your days
        no undiagnosed/untreated sleep disorders. The most prevalent of these   with renewed vigor and clarity can be just around the corner!
        are Obstructive Sleep Apnea (up to 20 percent of U.S. adults) and In-
        somnia (up to 30 percent of U.S. adults), but there are over 80 different
        types of sleep disorders! Some disorders like Restless Leg Syndrome   1. RZ, Do You Need a Sleep Divorce? Prevention July 2023, 26-27
        occur before sleep onset but can also negatively impact sleep.  Fortu-  2. BF, et al. Bed Sharing Versus Sleeping Alone Associated with Sleep
        nately, research and technology afford both simpler and more conven-  Health and Mental Health. Sleep 2022. Vol. 45: Supplement 1
        ient diagnostic modalities, as well as newer and less invasive ways to   3. JD, et al. Sex differences in the reactions to sleeping in pairs versus sleep-
        treat many of these debilitating conditions. An example of this is neu-  ing alone in humans. Sleep and Biological Rhythms 2007; 5: 271-6
        rostimulation (currently the only FDA-approved device is the Inspire   4. KA, Marital Status, Marital Transitions, and Sleep Quality in Mid
        system), which can help those with moderate to severe Obstructive   to Late Life.  Research on Aging 2022; Vol. 44(3-4): 301-311
        Sleep Apnea who cannot tolerate Positive Airway Pressure or Oral Ap-  5. MB, et al. Effect of sleeping alone on sleep quality in female bed part-
        pliance Therapy. A comprehensive evaluation from a Board-Certified   ners of snorers. Eur Respir J 2009; 34: 1127-1131
        Sleep Physician can lead to accurate diagnoses and treatment plans   6. Tips to navigate a “sleep divorce.” Harvard Health Letter, January
        that significantly improve troubled sleeping conditions — whatever   2024
        they may be.                                           7. How to tell if it's time for a 'sleep divorce.' CNN Wire, Dec. 4, 2021
          If at this point the problem persists and is primarily         8. Why Two Beds Are Better Than One. The New York
        a predicament of preference, it is best to ap-                         Times, Aug. 4, 2019
        proach the discussion with an open mind                                    9. Cameron Diaz wants to "normalize sep-
        and sincere consideration for you and                                         arate bedrooms." Here's what to know
        your partner. Much of how we feel                                               about "sleep divorce." CBS News
        about sleep is deeply entrained.                                                  Healthwatch. December 21,
        It will likely take time, pa-                                                       2023.  By Sarah Moniuszko
        tience and clear and honest
        communication in working
        together to find a best-fit
        scenario. Ensure that you
        arrange for at least some
        consistent time during
        the day for touchpoints
        with your partner. Make
        both sleeping spaces com-
        fortable and cozy, as one
        should not feel relegated to a
        lesser inviting sleep environ-
        ment. Consider ways for intimacy
        to continue — some couples even
        schedule it. Lastly, whatever arrangement                                        Alex McKinlay, MD,  is dual Board
        you’ve decided on, assess it regularly. This can                                 Certified in Otolaryngology and
        be a fluid situation — remember there are times and                              Sleep Medicine and is retiring from
        seasons for everything.                                  the U.S. Army after 24 years this summer. He is excited to bring com-
                                                                 prehensive ENT and Sleep Care to San Antonio by starting Gold Stan-
        Reaching your dreams                                     dard Sleep & ENT, with a formal opening on May 3, 2024. Dr.
          Rest assured that this work can be hard, but it is worth it! Literature   McKinlay is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society.

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