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                    Should I Consider a

                           Sleep Divorce?!?

            The solo versus co-sleeping debate.

                                                    By Alex McKinlay, MD

       H        e snores, she tosses and turns. She moves her legs all night   lems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and additional cognitive

                long, he takes several trips to the John. When it comes to
                                                              decline. The data is less instructive on whether co-sleeping or solo
                sleep habits, it’s difficult to make a perfect match, isn’t it? Be
        honest. Is there at least one thing about your partner’s sleep you would   sleeping is better. In one survey-based study of over 1,000 adults, sleep-
                                                              ing with a partner/spouse was associated with better sleep quality and
        change? You’re not alone, as nearly one in four couples choose some   mental health overall.  Another study compared 10 couples, over 28
        form of sleep separation from their partner, consistent           days, sleeping both apart and together, and found that
        with a survey indicating that around one in four                       while co-sleeping had negative effects on sleep
        people sleep better alone.  Another study                                  in women, sleeping alone had negative ef-
        shows sleeping apart can improve                                              fects on sleep in men.  Another con-
        communication, and reduce con-                                                  cluded that transitions into and
        flict and irritability.                                                           out of either co-sleeping or solo
                                                                                            sleeping (read into and out of
        Our need for good sleep                                                              relationships, marriages, etc.)
          There is a growing tide of                                                          are worse for sleep than is
        openness and honesty re-                                                              consistency (remaining ei-
        garding our sleep, and                                                                 ther co- or solo sleeping).
        coupled with an increased                                                              It’s not clear that any
        understanding of sleep’s                                                               emerging data will settle
        importance to overall                                                                  the score.
        health, has an increasing
        number of couples consid-                                                             So, what should I do?
        ering a divorce …. of sorts —                                                          One needn’t search too
        a “sleep divorce.” Quite simply,                                                    long to find both “for” and
        a sleep divorce is sleeping sepa-                                                 “against” arguments for sleep di-
        rately — maybe in another bed in                                                 vorce. Just ask CNN, the New
        the same room, or maybe in different                                          York Times, Harvard Health, or even
        rooms altogether. Not necessarily the                                      movie stars like Cameron Diaz!  They
        most romantic of terms, but the sleep divorce                           are all happy to openly discuss the pros and
        must have some merit, as it is becoming quite com-                 cons of breaking away and creating a customized
        mon. Let’s figure out why!                             sleep environment for one. But don’t take anyone’s (or maybe any
          Current evidence supports what we as humans have always known:  study’s) word for it, as sleep is highly personal — and very difficult
        we need ample quality and adequate quantity of sleep to be our best.  to study! As you consider the following, take comfort in knowing
        Sleep deprivation can lead to depression, anxiety and difficulty with  there are improvements you can make to your sleeping situation that
        executive function. It also increases the risk for untoward health prob-  will be worth it!

         18     SAN ANTONIO MEDICINE  • March 2024
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