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                                        improve sleep — low hang-  state to allow the subconscious mind to surface and take charge. The
                                        ing fruit for the frustrated   theory is that if you relax the body enough, the conscious mind will
                                        provider.             relax as well and allow the subconscious to emerge. The goal is to allow
                                         CBT-I (Cognitive Be-  access to the source of traumas and troubling thoughts, and to implant
                                        havioral Therapy for Insom-  new ideas that are more likely to take root. This process takes practice
                                        nia) is a well-recognized   and the clients develop variable skills, but it can be quite useful for
                                        intervention, with ample   sleep issues. The key is to train the subconscious to respond to a simple,
                                        evidence-based  research   but specific cue, called an anchor, that can be called on in the midst
                                        documenting positive out-  of the crisis. This may be as simple as placing the tips of one's index
                                        comes. Typically requiring   finger and thumb together in an "OK" sign. Patients are always able
                                        on average six sessions for   to control and remember the experience; they are able to follow only
                                        efficacy, it is especially ben-  the suggestions of the hypnotherapist that they see compatible with
                                        eficial for those whose sleep   their goals of therapy.
                                        disturbances are due to anx-  Neurofeedback (NF), a subcategory of biofeedback, involves training
                                        iety. It is divided into   our brain waves to respond appropriately to a given auditory or visual
                                        chronic vs circumstantial, as   stimulus. The stimulus, a video or music, is used as positive reinforce-
                                        the therapeutic approach   ment when EEG activity corresponds to the training goal. The with-
                                        and goals are distinct.   drawal of the positive stimulus is used as negative reinforcement for
                                        Acute CBT-I, when sleep is   divergent brainwave function. Typically, between one and 10 EEG elec-
                                        disrupted by a major life   trodes are placed (you do not get your head shaved!) depending upon
                                        stressor, must deal with the   the therapist's training. Slow waves (11-15 Hz) are the desired level of
                                        grief and trauma simultane-  brain activity. Using hypnotherapy as an enhancement to NF – using
                                        ously with the sleep disor-  the hypnotic suggestions as the stimulus for appropriate brain wave ac-
                                        der. If the condition   tivity – has led to enhanced outcomes over either therapy alone. 
                                        becomes chronic, the ap-  Acupuncture or acupressure and related techniques have been used
                                        proach is different. Coun-  for millennia for sleep disorders. The literature is mixed, as many of the
                                        terproductive thoughts are   studies involve concomitant therapies with Traditional Chinese Med-
                                        explored by a series of prob-  icine (TCM) or continuance of pharmacologic interventions. For a
        ing questions, which attempt to address the emotional content behind   troubled patient, when all else has failed, it may be an avenue that
        the troubling thoughts. The goal is to counter catastrophizing thoughts   proves valuable to explore. Commentary on patient outcome studies
        like, "I'll never fall asleep," or "Tomorrow is going to be a terrible day if I   indicates that as many "swear at it" as those that "swear by it." 
        don't get some sleep," with a more positive outcome from a given thought   Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning!
        process. The intent is to reframe the cognitive scenario to distance the
        psyche from fixed expectations of failure to affect a different outcome.   I interviewed Margaret Erben, MA LPC and licensed hypnothera-
        "You have to change the thinking to change the results.” CBT-I can also   pist, and Charlotte Widdick, NP of Root Causes Functional Medicine,
        be useful for those attempting to discontinue benzodiazepines and   for this article whose contributions were invaluable and essential. I can-
        other pharmacologic interventions. This is best accomplished by a   not repay the debt of gratitude I owe them. 
        proactive approach with several sessions before attempting the tapering
        process to familiarize the patient with CBT-I to promote a successful   Tim Hlavinka, MD, is the Medical Director of Vidamor Medical
        outcome upon withdrawal.                                    and has been a member of the Bexar County Medical Society for
          It is ironic that medications for sleep fall under the broad category   three decades. The father of five and grandfather of four, he firmly
        of "hypnotics." Since the days of Franz Mesmer, the utility of inducing  believes that the power of collegiality among physicians as great potential
        trance-like states for therapeutic interventions has been known, long  to bring us lasting and effective changes in healthcare. Dr. Tim is anxious
        before modern pharmacology made contributions. Far evolved from  to hear your stories.
        the "swinging pocket watch" techniques of hucksters and frauds, mod-
        ern hypnotherapy uses a variety of techniques to induce a trance-like

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