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        Win with Wellness:

        Physicians Helping Physicians

        Interview with Dr. Nora Vasquez, conducted by Monica Jones, BCMS COO, and Trisha Doucette, Editor

        T     he Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS) is dedicated to pro-  which physicians can feel seen, heard, validated and supported. But she

                                                              believes it doesn’t stop there, stating, “Medical institutions have a moral
              viding physician resources that will help its members find per-
              sonal and professional balance, improve their general
        well-being and mitigate the effects of burnout. Through a Texas Med-  responsibility to take care of their people. Decades of research proves
                                                              that when medical organizations support and invest in their clinical
        ical Association Foundation grant awarded in 2021, BCMS launched   staff and leaders, this increases engagement, retention and improves the
        an innovative wellness initiative through a partnership with Dr. Nora   quality of patient care.”
        Vasquez, a triple-Certified Physician Coach and board-certified Inter-  The COI, or cost of inaction, is devastating for patients and commu-
        nal Medicine Physician, that extends throughout the nation and com-  nities nationwide. In 2022, upwards of 100,000 physicians left medi-
        plements the Society’s extensive list of resources.   cine, amidst already documented staff shortages across the nation.
          In a conversation with Dr. Vasquez, she cited overwhelming statistics   Every year, $979 million in excess healthcare expenditures are attrib-
        reported by the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. “We   uted to primary care physician turnover alone. Medical professionals
        know that every year we lose 400 physicians to suicide. For men, that’s   are facing more work distress than ever before. “It doesn’t have to be
        1.4 times their non-physician counterparts and for women it’s 2.7 times   this way. Healthcare leaders at premier institutions are implementing
        their non-physician counterparts. That’s my why. I’ve lost colleagues to   leadership and wellness coaching programs, and they are experiencing
        suicide, and it’s devastating for families and the community,” she shared,   the benefits of having that level of support. For every dollar invested in
        adding, “Twenty-eight percent of medical residents experience depres-  wellbeing, leadership development and coaching, these institutions see
        sion nationwide. We take healthy, young, vibrant, high achieving stu-  a $4 return on investment in improved health and productivity. It
        dents and run them through medical education and training, and they   works,” said Dr. Vasquez.
        start to have mental health problems, but we don’t talk about it.”   Dr. Vaquez concludes by explaining, “When we talk about wellness,
          Through a series of personal coaching, webinars, wellness panels and   we need to expand our definition of wellness. We are creating an insti-
        videos, Dr. Vasquez is able to bring clarity, awareness and action to   tutional change. This is a positive and transformational movement in
        transform lives for the better. Professional coaching is an evidence-  medicine. I believe that we must first be well to lead well. When our
        based intervention, and in just six sessions, it can decrease burnout and   medical teams and leaders have the support they need to deliver the
        increase their quality of life.                       highest quality of patient care, we all win!”
                                                                Dr. Vasquez will present her BCMS Leadership & Wellness coaching
          Many of the participants in the leadership and wellness coaching   webinars on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. CST, with the
        program shared their reflections here:                exception of May, which will take place on May 14, 2024, at 7 p.m.
          “I’ve regained my energy and enthusiasm, plus also developed a set of   CST. Dates are subject to change. For additional information, webinar
        lifelong tools to maintain a healthy work-life balance.”   topics and calendar changes, please visit
          “I’ve gained a sense of community and knowledge that I’m not alone.”   php and
          “I’ve learned tools to better manage stress and prevent burnout.”
          “I’m enjoying work more than before — considering my work as some-  Nora Vasquez, MD, is a Certified Physician Coach and board-
        thing I get to do rather than have to do.”                  certified Internal Medicine Physician with over a decade of expe-
          “I learned so many things about leadership and wellness. I have shared   rience. She developed the Physician Wellness Webinar Series for
        this with my colleagues, and this has helped with our communication and   BCMS physician members to empower physicians with evidence-based
        morale.”                                              coaching strategies to mitigate burnout and enhance physician well-being.
                                                              Dr. Vasquez is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society and Texas
          As a physician coach who understands what it is like to lose a patient   Medical Association.
        and to deal with the challenges of modern medicine, as well as her per-
                                                              You can learn more about Dr. Nora Vasquez at
        sonal experiences with burnout, Dr. Vasquez created a platform on

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