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                                                                                    Image: University of Arkansas 6

                                                                                    1. Appel, LJ, Moore, TJ, Obarzanek, E,
                                                                                       Vollmer, WM, Svetkey, LP, Sacks, FM,
                                                                                       ... & Karanja, NM. (1997). A clinical
                                                                                       trial of the effects of dietary patterns
                                                                                       on blood pressure. New England Jour-
                                                                                       nal of Medicine, 336(16), 1117-1124.
                                                                                    2. National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-
                                                                                       stitute. (n.d.). DASH Eating Plan. Re-
                                                                                       trieved June 9, 2023, from
        Nutritional Benefits and Disease Prevention                         health-top-
          The nutrient-rich nature of the DASH diet contributes to several ad-  ics/dash-eating-plan
        ditional health benefits and disease prevention. The diet's emphasis on   3. Sacks, FM, Svetkey, LP, Vollmer, WM, Appel, LJ, Bray, GA, Harsha,
        fruits, vegetables and whole grains ensures an abundance of antioxi-  D, ... & Karanja, NM. (2001). Effects on blood pressure of reduced
        dants, vitamins and minerals, which support overall health and reduce   dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
        the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and obesity.  Addi-  (DASH) diet. New England Journal of Medicine, 344(1), 3-10.
        tionally, the DASH diet's low sodium content can be beneficial for in-
        dividuals with kidney disease or those at risk of developing kidney   4. Azadbakht, L, Mirmiran, P, Esmaillzadeh, A, & Azizi, F. (2005).
        stones.  By incorporating these dietary components, the DASH diet   Beneficial effects of a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eat-
        offers a holistic approach to well-being and long-term health.   ing plan on features of the metabolic syndrome. Diabetes Care,
                                                                 28(12), 2823-2831.
        Practicality and Long-Term Sustainability              5. Salehi-Abargouei, A, Maghsoudi, Z, Shirani, F, & Azadbakht, L
          One of the strengths of the DASH diet lies in its practicality and   (2013). Effects of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
        long-term sustainability. Unlike many fad diets, the DASH diet does   (DASH)-style diet on fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular diseases--in-
        not involve drastic restrictions or exclusions. It promotes a balanced   cidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis on observational
        approach to eating that can easily be incorporated into daily life, mak-  prospective studies. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County,
        ing it more feasible for individuals to adopt as a lifelong eating pattern.   Calif.),  29(4),  611–618.
        Moreover, the DASH diet offers flexibility, allowing for individual pref-  2012.12.018
        erences and cultural variations, which increases adherence and pro-  6. Lowering Your Blood Pressure with the DASH Eating Plan. Uni-
        motes better long-term outcomes.                         versity of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Ex-
                                                                 tension Service. Retrieved June 9, 2023, from https://www.uaex.
          With its focus on wholesome foods and balanced nutrition, the   Lowering-Your-Blood-Pressure-with-the-DASH-Eating-Plan.aspx
        DASH diet emerges as a scientifically supported approach to improving   7. Carey, VJ, Bishop, L, Charleston, J, Conlin, P, Erlinger, T, Laranjo,
        heart health, blood pressure control, weight management and overall   N, ... & Kennedy, BM. (2008). Effects of a DASH-like diet contain-
        well-being. By adhering to its principles, individuals can unlock the po-  ing lean beef on vascular health. Journal of Human Hypertension,
        tential for a healthier and more vibrant life. Whether you aim to regu-  22(11), 785-792.
        late your blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, or prevent chronic
        diseases, the DASH diet offers a sustainable and practical dietary    Ayomide Akinsooto is a medical student at the Long School of
        framework. Embrace the power of the DASH diet and experience the   Medicine, Class of 2026.
        transformative benefits it can bring to your health.

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