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                                                                                              Dr. Aureliano Urrutia, photo
                                                                                              courtesy of the author, all
                                                                                              rights reserved.

                           Dr. Aureliano Urrutia,

                Surgeon from the Valley of Mexico

                                         By Anne Elise Urrutia, ©2023, all rights reserved.

          Dr. Aureliano Urrutia (1872-1975) was a   nity. Having already had a stellar medical ca-  service in the Mexican army. During his serv-
        pioneer surgeon in Bexar County’s early 20th   reer in Mexico, he came to San Antonio in   ice, he studied at the O’Horán Hospital in
        century, and an important member of the   1914 at a time when the successful study of in-  Merida, Yucatán. In 1900, La Escuela Na-
        Mexican and Mexican American communities   fectious disease was allowing great strides in   cional de Medicina appointed Urrutia, age 28,
        in San Antonio. He was active in the mid-20th   surgery.                 as its youngest professor of surgery through a
        century civic life of San Antonio, working   Born in Xochimilco, Federal District, to a   competitive process. His demonstration of his
        alongside other Mexican Revolution-era exiles   family of modest means, as a teen Urrutia won   astute knowledge of anatomy, through direct
        to improve healthcare and employment, and   the nation’s top pre-collegiate honor, which   study of the body using a human cadaver, was
        to represent San Antonio’s Hispanic commu-  awarded him access to medical school and   the first of several progressive ideas he con-

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