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        UTHSCSA Lifting:                                                    UTHSCSA Fall 2023 Lifting Competition participants.

        Fostering Fitness, Community and Philanthropy

          By Victoria (Tori) Vargas and Andrew Ta
        A      t The University of Texas Health Science Center at San An-  The Primary Goal: Making Lifting Accessible

               tonio (UTHSCSA), the student organization, UTHSCSA
                                                                UTHSCSA Lifting is driven by a central mission: to ensure that
               Lifting, brings together groups of people from all schools
        within the university, united by a shared interest in gym culture and   weightlifting is not only accessible but also enjoyable for everyone. Rec-
                                                              ognizing that stepping into a gym can be overwhelming for newcomers,
        weight lifting.                                       with its array of equipment and unfamiliar exercises coupled with an
          Established by myself and a passionate group of medical students,   often-intimidating culture, our organization is dedicated to fostering
        UTHSCSA Lifting was born out of a shared love for the gym and a   an inclusive and supportive environment where individuals can learn,
        belief in the transformative power of physical fitness. The medical pro-  grow and achieve their fitness goals. Regular events, workshops and
        fession can be incredibly demanding with long hours and seemingly   training sessions are organized to provide members with the knowledge
        never-ending education, making the importance of maintaining a   and skills needed to feel confident in the gym. These workshops take
        healthy lifestyle even more critical. Many of us have witnessed and ex-  place weekly where veteran lifters teach the complex movements in-
        perienced just how easy it is to disregard personal health to meet the   volved with certain gym exercises, including the bench press, squat and
        demands of our work and studies. We saw this as an opportunity to   deadlift. Recently, UTHSCSA Lifting proudly introduced the sport
        create a supportive community focused on weightlifting and promoting   of powerlifting to our members and the wider campus community. The
        overall well-being.                                   inaugural Fall 2023 Lifting Competition, hosted at the Gold’s Gym on
          UTHSCSA Lifting prides itself on being an inclusive organization   campus, provided a platform for lifters of all levels to test their one-rep
        that goes beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines. While its   max in the three compound lifts following competition standards. 
        roots lie in the Long School of Medicine, the organization actively en-  This event drew participation from 40 competitors from varied
        courages participation from students in other schools within the   schools at the UT Health Science Center, fueling healthy competition
        Health Science Center. Whether students are studying nursing, den-  and facilitating connections among students pursuing different profes-
        tistry, physical therapy or any other health-related field, UTHSCSA   sions. UTHSCSA Lifting looks forward to making the powerlifting
        Lifting provides a common ground for individuals to come together,   competition an annual tradition, and we are also considering the
        share experiences, and support each other on their fitness journeys.    prospect of hosting additional competitions, including events like

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