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        Prioritizing Physical and Mental Wellness:
        Recommendations for Women Physicians

          By Amita Kumar, MD
        T     he demanding nature of the medical profession can take a toll   or counseling when needed. Confidential sessions with a mental health

                                                              professional can provide a safe space to explore emotions, cope with stress,
              on the well-being of physicians, especially women who face
                                                              and develop healthy strategies for managing work-related pressures.
              unique challenges within the field. Juggling professional re-

        sponsibilities with personal commitments often leads to neglecting self-
                                                              Foster Healthy Relationships
        care and mental health. To address this pressing issue, it is crucial to
                                                                Nurturing healthy relationships is crucial for maintaining well-being.
        provide recommendations tailored to the needs of women physicians.
                                                              Invest time and effort in building and sustaining relationships with
        By implementing practices that promote physician and mental wellness,
                                                              friends, family and loved ones. Surrounding yourself with positive in-
        women in medicine can achieve a healthier work-life balance and en-
                                                              fluences who provide support, encouragement and understanding
        hance their overall well-being and quality of life.
                                                              greatly contributes to your overall happiness and resilience.
        Embrace Self-Care
                                                              Practice Mindfulness
          Self-care is the foundation of well-being. As a woman physician, it is
                                                                In the fast-paced world of medicine, mindfulness can serve as an an-
        essential to prioritize self-care activities that promote physical and men-
                                                              chor, helping you stay present and focused. Incorporate mindfulness
        tal health. This may include allocating time for regular exercise, engag-
                                                              techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises,
        ing in hobbies, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or simply
                                                              guided meditation or mindful eating. These practices can help reduce
        indulging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Remember, taking
                                                              stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall well-being. Even just
        care of yourself is not selfish; it is a necessity.
                                                              five minutes per day of mindful meditation can improve your outlook
        Build a Supportive Network                            on a daily basis.

          Cultivating a strong support network is vital for women physicians.
                                                              Prioritize Sleep
        Surrounding yourself with colleagues, mentors, friends and family who
                                                                Sleep deprivation can significantly impact physical and mental
        understand the unique challenges of your profession can provide much-
                                                              health. As a woman physician, it is vital to prioritize quality sleep. Es-
        needed emotional support. Participating in professional organizations
                                                              tablish a regular sleep schedule, create a sleep-friendly environment,
        or joining support groups specifically designed for women in medicine
                                                              and practice relaxation techniques before bed to ensure restorative rest.
        can offer a safe space to share experiences and find encouragement. Start
                                                              Quality sleep will enhance your cognitive abilities, emotional resilience
                                                              and overall performance as a healthcare professional.
        Establish Boundaries
          Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining physical and mental
        wellness. As a physician, it is easy to become consumed by work, leading
        to burnout and exhaustion. Learn to say "no" when your plate is already   beyond.html
        full and delegate tasks when possible. Establish clear boundaries be-
        tween work and personal life, allowing for adequate rest, relaxation and
        quality time with loved ones. Remember that self-care and work-life   being-an-ongoing-conversation
        balance are not only essential for your well-being but also positively im-

        pact patient care.
                                                                      Dr. Amita Kumar is a Canadian native, and is board certified
        Seek Mental Health Support                                  in Internal Medicine and practices primary care in San Antonio,
          Recognize that seeking professional help for mental health concerns is   Texas. Dr. Kumar has experience in both private practice and ac-
        a sign of strength, not weakness. Women physicians face numerous stres-  ademics, and has most recently achieved her life coach and health coach
        sors, including long hours, high patient expectations and challenging work   certification through the Health Coach Institute.  She is a member of the
        environments. It is crucial to prioritize mental health by seeking therapy   Bexar County Medical Society.

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