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        What Does it Mean to be Healthy?

        And How do We Get There?

          By Jennifer Seger, MD

        A      ccording to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state   disease, high blood pressure, chronic pain … wouldn’t you take it? Then

                                                              let’s get moving! Be sure to incorporate some cardio and strengthening,
               of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not
               merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Often, we don’t
        think about our health until we are sick, or perhaps a family member   but don’t forget balance and stability.

        or close friend is. Simply avoiding illness and disease does not make one   Sleep
        healthy. It’s far more complex than that but unfortunately our current   Getting a good night’s sleep goes a long way to improve health and
        healthcare system tends to focus on treatment rather than prevention.   overall quality of life. Studies show most adults need seven to eight
          What’s more, healthcare providers are notoriously guilty of neglect-  hours of good, restful sleep for optimal health. A recent study even
        ing their own care. Somewhere between medical school, residency and   highlighted an increase in cardiovascular risk in patients who are chron-
        launching our careers, we’ve forgotten how important it is to take time   ically sleep deprived. So, unlike nutrition, quality, not just quantity, re-
        for ourselves. Perhaps it’s time to take stock in your health portfolio,   ally matters.
        which means looking beyond just illness. In my wellness and weight
        loss practice, I like to refer patients to the Eight Elements of Health,   Stress
        which are:                                              Stress is not something we can simply dismiss or brush under the rug.
          •   Nutrition                                       Even if we seemingly have it “all under control,” chronic stress is doing
          •   Physical Activity                               a number on the inside. Fundamentally, stress can cause an increase in
          •   Stress Management                               blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol and cravings, and it can decrease
          •   Sleep                                           sleep and interfere with digestion, neurotransmitters and hormones.
          •   Gut Microbiome                                  It’s more important than ever to take stock of our day-to-day stress lev-
          •   Hormones                                        els, evaluate our current coping strategies, and assess whether we need
          •   Community/Connectedness                         to make some changes. Consider readjusting to put your mental energy
          •   Purpose                                         where it truly makes a difference — in the areas of life in which you
                                                              have some direct influence or control. For the rest, learn to let it go.
          Nutrition isn’t about being on a particular diet. It’s about optimizing   Gut Microbiome
        the nutrient density of what we choose to eat and drink. All too often,   They may be small but they are mighty and need not be underesti-
        we reach for what’s easy and convenient rather than putting a little more   mated. This is such an important topic, though admittedly not well un-
        thought into our food choices. Nutrition has the power to prevent and   derstood by mainstream medicine. We hear about the harm of frequent,
        even reverse disease yet we are eating more sugar, unhealthy sources of   recurrent or long-term use of antibiotics but rarely do we hear about
        fat, inadequate protein and more highly refined, processed foods than   how incredibly important the gut microbiome is to our overall health
        ever before, and it is making us sick. We have the power to change this.   and well-being. Gut bacteria have the power to influence our brains,
                                                              metabolism, immune function and so much more. What we put in our
        Movement                                              bodies directly influences the balance of our gut microbiome. Think of
          There is robust science about how sitting too much is killing us. Cut-  it as a garden — the soil is what makes or breaks any garden. Tend to
        ting out physical activity in schools was one of the most ill-advised   your garden to live your best life — it starts with more leafy greens,
        moves that schools could have made. Physical activity decreases the risk   fruits and veggies, complex whole grains and fermented foods.
        of just about every chronic disease, yet many of us are not making it a
        priority. Think about it … if there was a medication that you could take   Hormones
        that would decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart   What a controversial topic. To give or not? About 20 years ago, in

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