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             MEDICINE                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEDICINE

                                                                                  Dementia is a global health disparity in       Although blood-based biomarkers are FDA-  effectively to improve the trajectory of dis-  Monoclonal Antibodies are Transforma-
                                                                                 aging, affecting an estimated 55 million older   approved, they are not yet independently di-  ease burden on patient and community out-  tive Treatments that Redefine Alzheimer's
                                                                                 adults worldwide.  Over time, the number of     agnostic and remain uncovered by Medicare.   comes. Projections indicate that increased   Disease Therapeutics. Drugs, 1-8
                                                                                 adults aged 65 and older is expected to rise to   Lumbar punctures are both FDA and   life expectancy will correlate with higher De-  Aguree, S, Zolnoori, M, Atwood, TP, and
                                                                                 78 million by 2030 and to 139 million by        Medicare-approved, however, there remains   mentia prevalence. This expected rise neces-  Owora, A. (2023). Association between
                                                                                 2050.  Currently, there is an estimated 6.7     limited utilization due to potential cost and   sitates a corresponding enhancement in   Choline  Supplementation  and
                                                                                 million older adults diagnosed with             patient risk.                       healthcare infrastructure, including more ro-  Alzheimer's Disease Risk: A Systematic
                                                                                 Alzheimer's Disease (AD) as of 2023. As           Current literature cites similar treatments   bust caregiver support systems and improved   Review   Protocol.  Frontiers in
                                                                                 such, if medical advances are not achieved to   among Dementia types. Cholinesterase in-  public health strategies to manage the in-  Aging Neuroscience, 15, 1242853
                                                                                 prevent, slow progression or treat AD, this     hibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine, galanta-  creasing burden of Dementia. One such im-  Miziak, B, Błaszczyk, B, and Czuczwar, SJ.
                                                                                 figure is predicted to increase to 13.8 million   mine) and NMDA Receptor Agonists   proved public health strategy includes   (2021). Some candidate drugs for phar-
                                                                                 by 2060. The increasing burden of AD is         (Memantine) remain the most common treat-  employing home-based primary care services   macotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease. Phar-
                                                                                 demonstrated by the rise in recorded deaths     ment modalities in Lewy Body Dementia,   such as Doctor at Your Service, which pro-  maceuticals, 14(5), 458
                                                                                 from the condition, which increased by more     AD, and Behavioral and Psychological Symp-  vides comprehensive primary care to rural,   Tucker-Drob, EM. (2019). Cognitive aging
                                                                                 than 145 percent between 2000 and 2019.         toms in Dementia. Although these treatment   homebound and in-clinic patients. Likewise,   and dementia: a life-span perspective. An-
                                                                                 This surge has shed light on the aging boomer   options are thought to reduce neuron death   improvements in caregiver support systems,   nual review of developmental psychol-
                                                                                 population and the increase in the diagnosis    and improve cholinergic pathways, they fail to   such as the involvement of Dementia Care   ogy, 1, 177-196
                                                                                 of various types of Dementia. Previously, epi-  prevent or slow infiltrative plaque and disease   Specialists, Gerontologic Specialists and al-
                                                                                 demiological studies were few and frequently    progression. Recent advancements in   location of community resources, assists in   Antonio Cavazos, Jr., MD, is the
                                                                                 had a narrow focus in the early stages of offi-  Alzheimer's treatments show promise. In   applying the evolving research leading to   founder of Doctor At Your Service
                                                                                 cial Dementia research. As a result, the actual   2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration   early detection and diagnosis, treatment, en-  PLLC, and a Past President of Bexar
                                                                                 effect and scope of Dementia in populations     approved lecanemab (Leqembi) for people   hanced disease management and advanced  County Medical Society.
                                                                                 were significantly underestimated. Reports of   with mild AD and mild cognitive impairment   care planning to improve outcome for pa-
                                                                                 Dementia cases rose along with knowledge of     due to Alzheimer's.  Lecanemab is a mono-  tients, families and communities.    Amber Casarez, AGNP-C, PhD-C,
                                                                                 the condition, especially in the latter half of   clonal antibody that prevents beta-amyloid                                  is a Dementia-Certified Specialist and
                                                                                 the 20th century. A portion of this growth      from clumping into plaques and assists the   References:                      Gerontologist. 
                     Dementia:                                                   can be ascribed to enhanced diagnostic stan-    body in clearing them from the brain.  An-  1. World Health Organization. (2023). De-
                                                                                                                                 other promising medicine, donanemab, tar-
                                                                                 dards and heightened awareness of the illness
                                                                                                                                 gets and reduces amyloid plaques and tau
                                                                                 among the public and medical community.
                Incidence, Prevalence,                                           mentia uses biological markers like blood test-  proteins and has been found to slow declines   2. Alzheimer's Disease International. (2021).
                                                                                  The current paradigm for diagnosing De-
                                                                                                                                 in thinking and functioning in people with
                                                                                 ing, neuroimaging and cognitive examinations    early AD  . Aducanumab (Aduhelm), while ap-
                         Diagnostic and                                          to highlight the significance of early identifi-  proved for the treatment of Alzheimer's, has   alzheimer-report-2021/
                                                                                 cation. Current cost-effective, approved clini-  shown mixed results in studies regarding its ef-  3. Rajan, KB, Weuve, J, Barnes, LL, McAn-
                Treatment Approaches                                             cal pathophysiological testing for Dementia     fectiveness in slowing cognitive decline and   inch, EA, Wilson, RS, and Evans, DA.
                                                                                                                                                                        (2021). Population estimate of people
                                                                                                                                 has limited insurance coverage.  There is a
                                                                                 includes objective findings in memory, lan-
                                                                                 guage, executive function and visuospatial      growing consensus that multi-drug trials tar-  with clinical Alzheimer's disease and mild
                 By Antonio Cavazos MD, and Amber Casarez AGNP-C, PhD-C          abilities, as well as a decline in functional de-  geting different aspects of the disease process,   cognitive impairment in the United States
                                                                                 pendence. Advancements in testing include       including metabolic dysfunction and inflam-  (2020–2060).  Alzheimer's & demen-
                                                                                 biological markers in AD, including CSF         mation, will be crucial for effective treatment   tia, 17(12), 1966-1975
                                                                                 analysis and MRI for amyloid and tau pro-       in the future  .                    4. Kurkinen, M. (2023). Lecanemab
                                                                                 teins, which are currently undergoing FDA         Understanding Dementia's evolving trajec-  (Leqembi) is not the right drug for pa-
                                                                                 approval, with neurotracers (Amyvid, Tauvid)    tory is vital for healthcare planning and re-  tients with   Alzheimer’s disease.  Ad-
                                                                                 being the gold standard. Despite these ad-      source allocation. Continued research and   vances in Clinical and Experimental
                                                                                 vancements, logistical challenges to these      innovation in diagnosis and treatment are   Medicine, 32(9), 943-947
                                                                                 methods exist for clinicians and patients alike.   imperative to address this growing challenge   5. Cummings, J. (2023). Anti-Amyloid

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