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TMA                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TMA
          DELEGATE                                                                                                                                                                                                            DELEGATE

        San Antonio


        Your Opportunity to

        Shape Medicine in Texas

        By Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, President, Bexar County Medical Society

        THE ROLE: BCMS Delegate to the Texas  RECENT WINS:
        Medical Association (TMA)           •  AI in Medicine: A BCMS resolution led to
                                            TMA's inaugural policy on artificial intelli-
        WHAT'S AT STAKE:                    gence in 2020. Resolution 201 (2020) – a Res-
        •  Advocating for San Antonio physicians.   olution that 1.) the TMA Council on
        •  Enhancing medical practice across Texas.   Socioeconomics, TMA Committee on
        •  Fostering connections with doctors   Health Information Technology, and TMA
        statewide.                          Council on Medical Education collaboratively
                                            study the effects of augmented intelligence
        OUR TEAM:                           (AI) on healthcare in Texas; and 2.) TMA en-
        •  Strength in Numbers: Our delegation is 42   sures this effort includes guidance on how   comes a policy of the TMA. In certain cases,   contribute effectively. While parliamentary   •  Required: Attendance at TMA's Annual
        strong and comprises elected delegates, TMA   physicians may be affected and how physicians   the HOD may refer a resolution for further   procedure may initially seem formal or com-  Meeting, TexMed.
        leaders and past TMA Presidents from Bexar   may prepare for the challenges and the oppor-  study or action. This involves the TMA Board   plex, it is integral to the efficient and fair pro-
        County.                             tunities AI creates. Initially tabled to 2021,   of Trustees or one of the TMA Councils ex-  gression of meetings. New delegates often find   Contact: For more information, reach out to
        •  Diversity: We represent various specialties,   Resolution 421 (2021) went on to be adopted   amining the issue and reporting back to the   that, with a bit of experience, they quickly   Mary Nava at
        practice models and career stages across Bexar   as amended to collaboratively develop aug-  HOD. If their report and associated policy   adapt to this structure. Moreover, our more
        and surrounding counties.           mented intelligence (AI) policy.     recommendations are approved, these too be-     seasoned delegates play a crucial role in men-  Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, is the
        •  Our Platform: We voice BCMS interests at   •  Obesity Treatment Access: Our advocacy   come TMA policy.               toring newcomers, helping them navigate and   2024 President of the Bexar County
        the TMA House of Delegates (HOD), con-  now reflects in TMA policy.       Our delegation presents resolutions that re-   understand the intricacies of the process.   Medical Society. Dr. Silva is a radiolo-
        vening each spring at TexMed.                                            flect the needs and policies of our Bexar                                           gist with the South Texas Radiology Group, Ad-
                                            WANNA DIG DEEPER INTO THE            County Medical Society (BCMS) members.          IN CONCLUSION:                      junct Professor of Radiology at the UT Health,
        OUR IMPACT:                         PROCESS?:                            We also review resolutions from other HOD       •  The TMA HOD empowers members to   Long School of Medicine, and Vice-Chief of Staff
        •  Resolutions: We drive change through res-  At the House of Delegates (HOD), resolu-  members and delegations. Our support for   voice ideas and concerns in a forum that re-  at Methodist Hospital Texsan. He serves on the
        olutions heard by the HOD.          tions serve as the primary vehicle for action.   resolutions from other HOD members is con-  spects every member’s ability to be heard.    TMA Council on Legislation and is a TMA
        •  Policy Influence: Successful resolutions   These proposals cover a wide range of interests   tingent on their alignment with BCMS policy   •  BCMS has a long history of contributing   Delegate to the AMA. He chairs the AMA RVS
        shape TMA policy.                   pertinent to physicians, including public   and the specific needs of our local physicians.   effectively at the HOD, but it requires the   Update Committee (RUC).
        •  Dual Roles: We present BCMS-focused   health, advocacy, education and medical prac-  The discussions within the HOD are struc-  dedication of our physician members.
        resolutions and evaluate proposals from other   tice. The process involves presenting, debating   tured around parliamentary procedure. This   •  Interested in shaping healthcare in San An-
        HOD members, aligning with BCMS policies   and voting on these resolutions at the HOD   framework is essential to maintain orderly   tonio and in our state? Join us as an alternate
        and local physician needs.          meetings. Once a resolution is accepted, it be-  conduct and ensure that every participant can   delegate. Elections are held each fall.

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