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SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                                                                                                                    SAN ANTONIO
             MEDICINE                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEDICINE

                                              I recently saw an advertisement from   Then I remembered my own experience         team. I invite Dr. Google into the exam room.
        You CAN                             BCMS announcing a CME webinar featuring  with burnout and how I first started to pull   We search together, so that I can guide the
                                            Dr. Nora Vasquez entitled, "Reimagining Life  myself out of it. I read a story in a throwaway
                                                                                                                                 search. Enlisting staff and ancillary services
                                            in Medicine: Coaching, Renewal and Infinite  journal in the "Doctor's Lifestyle" section. It   where necessary is another way. Patients want
        Teach an                            Possibilities." I signed up as I had attended a  was written by a young woman, Ob/Gyn third-  an advocate. Most of them no longer expect
                                                                                                                                 us to be the final authority. Dr. Google has
                                            couple of her previous webinars and they  year resident, who was trying to explain her
        Old Doc                             were amazing. I digress, but this entire article  own emergence from burnout. She had three   seen to that. The power of admitting that you
                                            should be about Dr. Vasquez and what she has  children and was about to quit medicine be-
                                                                                                                                 do not know it all and that you are fallible is
                                                                                                                                 essential in gaining our patients' trust. Take it
                                            done for our medical community. Devoting  cause of the toll it had taken on her, her family
        New                                 oneself to the cause of promoting the well-  and her patients. She decided to try a simple   from an old doc who has had to do both more
                                            being of fellow physicians is a laudable one.  method to make each day better; each en-
                                                                                                                                 often than I care to admit!
                                            But with this session, I was reluctant to sign  counter with a colleague better; each opportu-
                                                                                                                                   The concept of a Moral Injury is also one
        Tricks                              up. What could eight young women physi-  nity to connect with staff and patients more   prevalent in burnout literature. Different than
                                                                                                                                 burnout, it involves the devolution of the
                                            cians teach me, Boomer Geezer, MD, any-
                                                                                 enriching. What was her magic secret? She said
                                                                                                                                 human psyche when there is a disconnect be-
                                            thing about life in medicine? At age 68, I  hello and good morning to everyone she saw
                                            hardly have any time left for renewal and in-  and addressed them by name. In a crowded el-  tween our calling and the reality of our daily
                                                                                                                                 work. This is what we are experiencing — de-
                                            finite possibilities. Nonetheless, I signed up  evator, busy hospital hallways, parking lots,
           By Tim Hlavinka, MD              and attended.                        doctors' lounges ... she never missed a chance   tailing the somber statistics on burnout serves

                                              The webinar was among the best two  to say hello. Eventually she came to know most   no purpose when we live it on a daily basis. I
                                            hours I have ever spent in medicine. The en-  of her colleagues' stories. By sharing their pas-  took a TMA CME webinar on childhood and   shown the latest plan by management to "deal   who turned despair into renewed hopes and
                                            ergy and enthusiasm of the team was over the  sion and reason for choosing medicine with   sexual abuse, and I was struck by the irony that   with burnout." To give healthcare workers   dreams. Let us follow the path of the young
                                            top. The effort and intensity necessary for  her, she was able to find the courage to pursue   the language and experiences cited in that lit-  hope for a better work environment that is not   women physician coaches who are eminently
                                            these young women to overcome barriers and  her dream with reinvigorated  fervor. My   erature were eerily similar to the relationship   substantiated by actions at the highest levels   wise beyond their years. 
                                            break ceilings in medicine were truly inspira-  thought was, "If a busy Ob/Gyn resident with   we physicians have with those that control our   of system control is an egregious breach of au-  I have always wanted to create a meme where
                                            tional. That they had gone beyond sur-  three kids can do all that, I have no excuse for   healthcare systems.           thenticity about self-determination. Once   a doc is taking hold of their laptop and throw-
                                            mounting those obstacles to create a  not making the effort to pull myself out of my   The core principles behind what we have   again, they are using our best professional   ing it to the floor, smashing it to pieces. The
                                            superlative life and life in medicine is extraor-  funk." It was remarkable. Within months, I had   achieved as individuals in medicine are empow-  qualities and character against us. Think about   next scene is that same doc emphatically plac-
                                            dinary. I thought back to what sort of role  regained faith in myself and the worthiness of   erment, agency and transparency. We all go   this: We feel the need to present mountains of   ing a stethoscope around their shoulders, walk-
                                            model I had been to younger physicians, and  the practice of medicine.               through the rigors of the guild-like residency   evidence to substantiate our obviously meri-  ing into a patient's room and sitting down on
                                            wondered if I had had any impact on their   My research identified the commonality of   system with gradually acquired skills, experi-  torious position on this issue when the C-suite   the patient's bed, eyes connected with the pa-
                                            lives, professionally and personally, like these  the Imposter Syndrome as a major contribut-  ence and responsibility. Anyone who has been   can take it all away with the stroke of a budg-  tient's eyes. What I am suggesting is not a rev-
                                            young women were affecting the lives of their  ing factor in the development of burnout. It   the "Guest of Dishonor" at an M&M presenta-  etary pen.        olution, but an evolution. Sometimes they look
                                            peers. One of the participants had a motiva-  seems that what we have here is a case of Im-  tion knows exactly how the three interact to   Agency, transparency and empowerment   the same. To change, there must be a need, a
                                            tional poster on the wall behind her, such  poster Syndrome gone amuck. Information   promote professional growth. These tenets   that create a healthy environment to practice   want and action. Thank you, Dr. Vasquez, for
                                            that, every time I read a phrase from it, I im-  comes at us at dizzying speeds and we have to   must be the core principles for solving problems   meaningful clinical care is the solution to   showing us a way. Thank you for starting me,
                                            mediately felt more encouraged.      balance the needs of patients and our personal   and creating meaningful change in healthcare,   burnout. The power structure of the health-  Boomer Geezer, MD, dreaming again.
                                                                                 lives with the requirement to be on top of our   regardless of the scope of the problems or the   care system that has evolved has decided that
                                            Some highlights (yes, I took notes!):   game professionally. Indeed, managing the    depth of brokenness of the institutions them-  we as physicians cannot have both financial   Tim Hlavinka, MD, is the Medical

                                                                                 knowledge base we need to maintain the level    selves. Capacity is the overarching theme.    success and provide meaningful clinical care.   Director of Vidamor Medical and has
                                            "Burnout is a spectrum, not an on/off switch"
                                                                                 of authority we all feel we must possess to have   We can discuss these issues to our heart's   We must choose between or become part of   been a member of the Bexar County
                                            "Know your why"                      credibility is crushingly burdensome. Let me    content but if we keep going back to an un-  management and ownership.    Medical Society for three decades. The father of

                                                                                 give you a universal pass on that one. You can-  healthy work environment that produces un-  I have an alternative. It is said that laughter   five and grandfather of four, he firmly believes
                                            "Stop trying to mind read and learn
                                                                                 not do it. If your journal and medical news re-  healthy colleagues, we are more than just   is medicine, faith is medicine and music is   that the mutual power of collegiality among
                                            to communicate"
                                                                                 view is more than a week prior, you are         wasting our time. We are perpetuating a prob-  medicine. Let me add one. Collegiality is   physicians has great potential to bring us lasting
                                            "We forgot why we were dreaming"     behind. This is not to induce ill feelings, but   lem. This is the source of the eye rolls and   medicine. Let us be healers to each other and   and effective changes in healthcare. Dr. Tim is
                                                                                 to suggest that the way around it is to create a   ennui-laced shoulder shrugs when we are   follow the life of that young Ob/Gyn resident   anxious to hear your stories.

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