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BCMS Business Directory                                  continued from page 41

           PRACTICE MANAGEMENT       San Antonio Medical Group Man-  STAFFING SERVICES
                                     agement Association (SAMGMA)
                                     (HH Silver Sponsor)
                                     SAMGMA is a professional non-
                                     profit association with a mission
                                     to provide educational programs
                                     and networking opportunities to
           Equality Health           medical practice managers and   Favorite Healthcare Staffing
           (★★★ Gold Sponsor)        support charitable fundraising.   (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
           Equality Health deploys a whole-  Jeannine Ruffner   Serving the Texas healthcare commu-
           person care model that helps in-  President          nity since 1981, Favorite Healthcare
           dependent practices adopt and     Staffing is proud to be the exclusive
           deliver value-based care for di-     provider of staffing services for the
           verse communities.  Our model                        BCMS. In addition to traditional
           offers technology, care coordina-                    staffing solutions, Favorite offers a
           tion, and hands-on support to   REAL ESTATE SERVICES   comprehensive range of staffing
           optimize practice performance   COMMERCIAL           services to help members improve
           for Medicaid patients in Texas.                      cost control, increase efficiency and
           Cristian Leos                                        protect their revenue cycle.
           Network Development Manager                          Mike DeQuattro
           210-608-4205                                         Director of Operations - Texas &
    Alamo Capital Advisors LLC   New Mexico
     (★★★★  10K Platinum Sponsor)   210-918-8737
           “Reimagining the New Frontier of   Alamo Capital Advisors is focused   Mike.DeQuattro@
           Value-Based Care.”        on Sourcing, Capitalizing, and
                                     Executing investment and    “Favorite Healthcare Staffing offers
                                     development opportunities for   preferred pricing for BCMS members.”
           PROFESSIONAL              our investment partners and
           ORGANIZATIONS             providing thoughtful solutions to   Eleos Virtual Healthcare Solutions
                                     our advisory clients. Current and
           Healthcare Leaders of     representation projects include   (HH Silver Sponsor)
           San Antonio               new development acquisitions   Empowering physicians for a Bal-
           (HH Silver Sponsor)       and sales, lease representation   anced Future. Our virtual health
           We are dedicated to nurturing   and financial (RE)-structuring for    associates alleviate administrative
           business connections and profes-  existing investments.    burdens in the evolving health-
           sional relationships, exchanging   Jon Wiegand       care landscape, combatting
           knowledge to enhance leader-  Principal              burnout. Join us in transforming
           ship, and creating career oppor-  210-241-2036       healthcare delivery, prioritizing
           tunities for healthcare and other    your wellbeing and patient care.
           industry leaders in a supportive    Pedro Caretto, VP of Business
           community.                                           Development
           David Neathery                                       786-437-4009
           President                 RETIREMENT PLANNING
           Gary Meyn, LFACHE
           Vice President                                       TRANSCRIPTION
           210-912-0120              Oakwell Private Wealth     SERVICES
    (★★★ Gold Sponsor)
           “Come, Learn, Connect!”   Oakwell Private Wealth Manage-
                                     ment is an independent financial
           The Health Cell           advisory firm with a proven track
           (HH Silver Sponsor)       record of providing tailored finan-
            “Our Focus is People” Our mis-  cial planning and wealth manage-  Provider's Choice Scribe Services
           sion is to support the people who   ment services to those within the   (★★★ Gold Sponsor)
           propel the healthcare and bio-  medical community.   Our accurate and complete doc-
           science industry in San Antonio.    Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA   umentation helps our customers
           Industry, academia, military, non-  Senior Private Wealth Advisor   focus on what’s most important,
           profit, R&D, healthcare delivery,   512-649-8113     their patients. Let us take on the
           professional services and more!   SERVICE@OAKWELLPWM.COM   task of documenting your patient
           Kevin Barber             encounters, it’s what we do.
           President                 “More Than Just Your Advisor,   Yoceline Aguilar
           210-308-7907 (Direct)       We're Your Wealth Management   COO
           Valerie Rogler                                       915-691-9178
           Program Coordinator                                  Luis Chapa
           210-904-5404                                         MD/CEO
           “Where San Antonio’s Healthcare            
           Leaders Meet”                                        “An Unparalleled Scribe

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