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                                                                      Dementia is increasing in prevalence as our population ages.
                                                                    By default, many dementia patients are cared for by their
                                                                    spouses and family members who may be your patients. The
                                                                    burdens on caregivers are enormous and most are unprepared
                                                                    to succeed in this role. Caregivers, though well-meaning, are
                                                                    typically frustrated and not optimally effective in dealing with
                                                                    loved ones with dementia. As physicians, we are often at a loss
                                                                    to help our patients navigate the challenges of becoming and
                                                                    sustaining the role of caregiver.
                                                                      Mr. Sherman Macdaniel, the grandson of 1917 BCMS pres-
                                                                    ident, Alfred McDaniel, MD, wrote this brief guide to begin to
                                                                    address the challenges of being an Alzheimer’s caregiver. He
                                                                    states that the purpose of this book is to help Alzheimer’s care-
                                                                    givers reduce stress and anxiety. He does this by relating his per-
        Welcome Stranger:                                           sonal challenges and experiences of taking care of his late first
                                                                    wife and provides very practical yet compassionate and spiritual
        Alzheimer’s                                                 suggestions for caregivers in similar circumstances.
                                                                      In addition to practical tips on caring for the dementia pa-
                                                                    tient, he also provides insights on managing guilt, frustration
        Caregivers Guide                                            and sadness often experienced by caregivers. In addition to his
                                                                    own experiences, he also draws on the wisdom and experiences

                                                                    of knowledgeable friends to create this brief guide.
        By Mr. Sherman P. Macdaniel                                   I am sad to say that Mr. Macdaniel recently passed away this
        A Brief Review by Adam V. Ratner, MD, FACR                  past October, near the end of his ninth decade of life. He spent
                                                                    much of his final decade researching, writing, distributing and

        “A Powerful Book to Help Your Patients Care                 updating Welcome Stranger, as well as speaking to other care-
                                                                    givers of dementia patients.
        for Their Loved Ones Suffering from Dementia”
                                                                      You and your patients can also download and read a free copy

                                                                    of the book in English or Spanish by going to The Patient In-
                                                                    stitute website (

                                                                      Physical copies of Welcome Stranger may be obtained by
                                                                      The Patient Institute
                                                                      PO Box 781971
                                                                      San Antonio, TX 78278-1971

                                                                             Adam V. Ratner, MD, FACR is Professor of Radiol-
                                                                           ogy, Health Policy & Medical Humanities and Assis-
                                                                           tant Dean of Strategic Initiatives at UIWSOM, and
                                                                    served as the 2019 President of BCMS. He is also an active mem-
                                                                    ber of the BCMS Publications Committee.

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