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        Is She Brave?

        By BMH

        When the passion has been replaced by exhaustion and politics
        When the exhaustion is guised as petty mistakes
        When the mistakes manifest as insecurities
        When politics only enforce the insecurities, she already harbored
        When you tell her she can’t handle it,
        Will you call her brave when she stands against it?
        Will you support her even if it means the light is temporarily not on you?
        Will you support her when she shines the light on your injustices?
        Will she be brave when she stands up the only way she knows how?
        Will you recognize strength in taking the step most spend their entire life
        evading with fear?
        Will you hear the message in her action that cannot be undone?
        Will it be brave enough for you to take action?
        Perhaps brave enough for you to listen?
        Or maybe just brave enough for your thoughts and prayers.

        This poem was inspired by Dr. Jing Mai, a resident physician who took her
        life on September 5, 2022.

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