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                       The Time Machine Poem

                                                      By Alissa Roemer

                          The Time Machine                                            Rewind 
                      Time has a way of slowing down                                   Play
                   just when you’re ready for it to speed up.                          Play
                               What if                                                 Play 
                          I sped past this part?                             Where did the stop button go?
                             The bad part                                       It’s gone without a trace.
                          the part I didn’t like                                       Play
                     the part I didn’t want to experience                             Rewind 
                     the part that made life hard to live.                             Play
                      Living there feels like living in a                             Rewind
                             time machine.                            Everyday is the same: playing old tapes in my head.
                A time machine eternally stuck in the same spot.               Just stop the tape they say
                 There’s no past, no future, just this moment of          Place it in a corner of your mind they say 
                            eternal suffering.                                   Leave it there they say 
                  The time machine is a cruel master to me.                           Why?
                     The time machine does not let go.                                How?
                      The time machine is relentless.                                I want to
                            I want to let go.                                         I can’t 
                              Let me go.                                             I need to 
                         Each day starts the same.                                 I need to get out
                               I wake,                                             Fine, help me.
                         I am paralyzed by fear.                                 Fine, yes, I need help.
                   Can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t get up.              Long talks, sterile halls, little oblong pills. 
                          Surely you can get up.                      Suddenly a fissure breaks the time machine in two.
                         A 21-year-old woman.                                         I’m free. 
         Surely surely you can get up—what are you back in second grade?      I step out into the new world
         Helpless, alone, isolated, surrounded, crowded, no hope, no light.   Everything glistens under my watchful gaze. 
                             Depression.                                      Was this here the whole time?
                              Depressed.                           I cast a backward glance toward the broken time machine. 
                             Depressing.                                  Sad, dilapidated pieces on the ground.
                             Depression.                                         Goodbye old world.
                        Each day is the same agony.                             Hello to the new world.
                      Little reprieve from the agony. 
                      The time machine whirls to life
                       the only sign of life for miles         Artist Note: This piece symbolizes the hardest part of my life. It rep-
                            here we go again                   resents how it feels to experience suicidal ideation, which is a fine term
                            the tape starts.                   to throw around in a chart, but actually represents a deep gnawing pain
                My past in four dimensions plays all around me.   that is almost too hard to put into words. This was my attempt.
                                Play                                  Alissa Roemer is a student at the University of the Incarnate
                                Stop                                  Word School of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 2025

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