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            WE STAND

          The BCMS Physician Coaching and Wellness

                                Program – Year-In-Review

                          By Nora Vasquez MD, CEO & Founder of Thriving Leaders in Medicine Coaching Program

        H       appy New Year!  As we begin 2023, I’d like to reflect on the

                past year to see how much we’ve accomplished in our mission
                to advance physician wellness so that we can both celebrate
        and put forth new intentions. Last year, the Bexar County Medical So-
        ciety launched an innovative wellness initiative with the support from
        a Texas Medical Association Foundation grant. As an advanced certified
        physician coach and internist, I developed and led the Physician Coach-
        ing and Wellness Program. The mission of this coaching program was
        to empower physicians with evidenced-based coaching strategies to mit-
        igate burnout and enhance physician well-being. We did this by creating
        a physician-led, safe and virtual space for doctors to meet and learn how
        to recognize and mitigate the effects of burnout while also providing
        meaningful support for the BCMS community. After leading over 14   Physicians found these coaching and wellness sessions valuable in
        CME Coaching and Wellness webinars, each month it is apparent that   creating a growth mindset. Some shared their reflections recognizing
        we heal and thrive in community.                       that, “Perfectionism is unattainable. Focus on growth and progress. Learn
          The coaching sessions provided a unique opportunity to discuss the  from your experiences. Self-affirmation is important to maintain healthy
        real-life concerns that physicians encounter daily. The physicians ac-  progress.”  Another participant added, “This was a good reminder that
        knowledged the evolving challenges of practicing medicine especially  we are in charge of our experience at work. We can choose to make changes
        over the last two years. The necessary protocols put in place because  and see this in a different light.”
        of the COVID pandemic isolated many of us from family, friends and   While the challenges in medicine continue, I am encouraged by the
        colleagues. The chronic stress and trauma of bearing witness to our pa-  overwhelming positive feedback that was shared by the hundreds of
        tients’ suffering further added to the distress. The BCMS Physician  physicians we served. As we look forward to expanding this resource,
        Coaching and Wellness program provided an important way for the  I encourage you to reach out and participate in the Physician Coaching
        community of healthcare professionals to talk about these challenges  and Wellness webinars in 2023. You can find more information by sign-
        while normalizing and supporting their human experience. In fact,  ing up for our calendar of events at the BCMS website found at
        during this past year we were able to help restore a sense of meaning
        and enjoyment in the daily medical practice of many participating   As an active member of the Bexar County Medical Society, I am
        physicians.                                            honored to have led this initiative and look forward to expanding the
          Many of the topics discussed addressed critical issues related to  program as we continue to advance physician wellness this year and
        leadership, work and home life integration, as well as insights on  beyond!
        how to better manage the daily stressors of practicing medicine.
        Many of the physicians who participated enjoyed discussing a variety   Nora Vasquez, MD is a Certified Physician Coach and a
        of topics, including:                                        Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician with over a decade
        • How To Overcome Burnout & Thrive                           of experience. She developed the Physician Wellness Webinar Se-
        • Time Management for Busy Healthcare Professionals    ries for BCMS physician members to empower physicians with evidenced-
        • Processing Grief: Emotional Healing for Healthcare Professionals   based coaching strategies to mitigate burnout and enhance physician
        • How To Overcome Perfectionism Pitfalls               well-being. You can learn more about Dr. Nora Vasquez at
        • How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome           Dr. Vasquez is a member of the Bexar County
        • Efficient Charting Tips                              Medical Society and Texas Medical Association.

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