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        poor choice for good health if one wants to eat like the early people   When eaten correctly, a whole food diet balances out all the vita-
        or reduce inflammation with a slightly cleaner form of eating.   mins, minerals and nutrients. There is sufficient protein, carbs and nat-
          Mediterranean Diet has been a successful choice that promotes a   ural low fats in this diet. Most vegans supplement Vitamin B 12.
        balanced choice of foods. It includes all food groups and it is well-bal-  The pieces of the diet puzzle can all come together with this easy,
        anced for nutrients. Fresh foods, nuts, olives, veggies, fruits, grains and   simple diet which can be maintained with encouragement, educa-
        fish are some of the highlights. The diet shies away from processed   tion and coaching, if needed. There is not a need for weight loss
        foods, sugar, refined grains and processed meat. Some dairy, like hard   diets with WFPB.
        cheeses, yogurt and eggs are included. The downsides to the diet are
        costs, food prep time, weight gain and even low iron levels. In general,
        it can meet mostly all nutrition requirements and has been a better
        choice for many people.
          Whole food plant based (WFPB), or vegan diets do not include any
        animal products. A plant-based diet typically includes fruits, vegeta-
        bles, legumes, grains, soy products and grains as the foundation. Oil
        and sugar may be used sparingly or not at all. A vegan may make di-
        etary choices based on health or on animal welfare. Public awareness
        of poor treatment of animals and their environments has increased.
        The resources to raise these animals is not only expensive, but con-
        nected with global climate concerns. Animals and viruses have been
        linked to Ebola, influenza and SARS. Meat has been shown to cause
        many health issues from its fat content and additives.
          Meat and animal products have been altered for farming factories
        using antibiotics and hormones. Research available has shown that
        meat can increase cancer risks. On the other hand, a plant-based diet
        shows increased benefits to lessen chronic diseases. In addition,
        plant-based diets are preventive for many illnesses. Data now shows
        obesity causes increased mortality in COVID infections. Obesity is
        one of the ultimate dietary and health concerns for most of the pop-  The solution to optimal health is prevention. Dr. Paul Dudley
        ulation at any given time in their life. WFPB diets can reduce these   White from Massachusetts General Hospital promoted this when he
        staggering figures.                                    recommended exercise and optimal nutrition back in the ‘60s. He saw
          Portions may not need to be addressed if one is faithful to dietary   the outcomes in his own lifestyle and recommended it to his cardiol-
        choices. In fact, many followers of the plant-based lifestyle have lost   ogy patients and fellow physicians. Hippocrates quotes, “Let food be
        weight. In addition, the literature describes WFPB diet may lower in-  thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Look at the equation: Opti-
        cidence of many chronic diseases, including hypertension, type II di-  mal nutrition equals optimal health.
        abetes, obesity and atherosclerosis. Many cardiologists recommend   There has never been a better time to eat a more wholesome diet as
        WFPB to patients with hyperlipidemia control.          a plant-based diet. As a nurse, I have seen a huge increase in obesity
          Some healthcare providers say the literature states that diet is unre-  and all the chronic disease connected with it.  I learned how to practice
        liable and they would rather choose research-based pharmacology to   a healthy lifestyle and preach what I practice. Preventive health is the
        control chronic disease. Changing to a WFPB diet with education and   best practice and a healthy lifestyle promotes optimal health for each
        encouragement can pave the way to reducing the medications or even-  person. In my career as an educator, I have passed on this knowledge
        tually eliminating them.                               with people concerned with their health and continue to do so in a
          One question raised is: “What do I eat and how do I prepare it?”   consultation practice.
        Providers ask for resources for their patients. When patients see the
        positive outcomes of a healthy lifestyle by reducing the side effects from   Janice Tapp, MSN, RN has a Master of Science in Nursing
        pharmacology and disease symptoms, they are encouraged to continue.   Education from Grand Canyon University and a Bachelor of
        Can you imagine the energy patients have when they lose weight and   Science in Nursing from the University of the Incarnate Word.
        no longer require the drugs that convey antihypertensive side effects?   Coaching and consultation are available at

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