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                              The Diet Puzzle

                                                   By Janice Tapp, MSN, RN

          Food is the energy source that keeps our body nourished. Food can   disease or gluten sensitivities were the reason for this eating pattern,
        promote our well-being or poor health. Eating the best possible   but claims of weight loss, gastrointestinal benefits and autoimmune
        choices and maintaining the correct portions and balance should be   disease relief have prompted so many to avoid wheat, barley and rye.
        our goal. However, nutrition is the least understood subject by our so-  Disadvantages may be lack of fiber, weight gain and lack of nutrients.
        ciety, including the professionals who treat our health and diseases.   Keto diets are a popular fad, claiming weight loss, lowering triglyc-
        The most popular diets address weight loss, followed by diets to con-  erides, blood pressure and cholesterol by consuming mostly proteins
        trol diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease and   and fats, and cutting the amounts of carbs. Along with decreasing car-
        heart diseases. There are so many different diets and methods to lose   bohydrate intake, one can lose fiber, nutrients and even minerals.
        weight, but track records for them remain poor. People still need to   When in a state of ketosis, one may have less hunger due to fat and
        lose weight and continue to survive with chronic diseases. This article   protein consumption. Eating unhealthy fats, especially saturated fats,
        provides a positive and negative review of some of the most common   is not a good option when elevated cholesterol may be a reason to
        eating patterns.                                       choose this eating pattern. Some people claim up to 10 pounds of
          Standard American Diet (SAD) reflects a general food pyramid or   weight loss a month. A keto diet should not extend more than 3
        food plate. It has protein, vegetables, fruits, grains, oils and diary. It   months due to extreme amounts of fats and lack of carb nutrients like
        has no restriction on sodium amounts. Many of the calories are derived   fiber. Kidney and heart damage may occur with these restrictions.
        from excess fat, processed foods and sugar. Unfortunately, serving sizes   Paleo includes lean meats, seafood, eggs, oils, fruits, low-starch veg-
        are poorly understood by consumers. The sad outcome of this eating   gies, seeds and nuts, but not grains, legumes, diary, sugary foods,
        pattern is obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancers.     processed foods and salty types of food. Many nutrients are lacking
          Gluten-free options have become a popular choice. Typically, celiac   from the foods omitted and costs for this diet can be expensive. It is a

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