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sary, but protein can be obtained from many pening again. In other words, I was given per- these, when not in harmony, adversely affects
surprising sources. For example, mushrooms mission to be less than perfect. My best effort the other. Poor dietary choices can cause un-
have the same amount of protein per gram as was enough. desirable nutritional outcomes that can cause
carbohydrates. Recently, the USDA released If we want to ensure success in our pa- disease or influence existing disease. Disease,
updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans tients, we need to provide them with ac- whether chronic or acute, physical or mental,
and overall, recommendations appear to be countability. That can be difficult when can adversely affect metabolic state and re-
reasonable. Guidelines focus on the intake of working in a busy clinic, managing schedules quire dietary changes to minimize poor out-
nutrient-rich, high-value foods and minimal and keeping up on documentation and comes. Considering this when advising and
amounts of sugar and processed foods, while billing. Accountability can take many forms, treating patients, along with placing an em-
acknowledging the need for customization however. It can be weekly weights and meas- phasis on personal preferences, moderation
and moderation. Up to 15% of daily calories urements with an MA, or even just a phone of less nutritional foods and providing sup-
may include saturated fats and/or sugar-rich call from staff obtaining home readings and portive accountability, can help patients be
foods and beverages. This allowance is more reviewing the weekly successes and chal- successful. Most importantly, when helping
likely to result in long-term success for lenges. Patients, just like us, want to be suc- patients with an eating plan that will result in
changes in diet and improved nutrition. cessful. Information is important, but as I am permanent change, give them permission to
I have tried just about every diet out there. finding in my own life, accountability is what be less than perfect. It is important to do the
I have tried Green Smoothie diet, Weight motivates me to change. Once progress is same for yourself in the changes you want to
Watchers®, pre-made meal plans like Jenny seen, motivation often becomes internal. make in your own life, dietary or otherwise.
Craig®, Atkins®, South Beach® and my last and Being accountable and supportive, however, After all, we are all human.
most successful diet: counting daily can be the pivotal factors to push success.
macronutrients. This worked for me because Over time, less external accountability is Robin Eickhoff, MD, MPH is a
I had choices, and maybe more importantly, needed, because personal accountability de- Family Medicine physician with
an accountability coach that I reported to velops. How we provide that accountability WellMed and is a member of the
weekly with my successes and challenges. I will be up to us and our patients. Bexar County Medical Society.
was never shamed or made to feel inadequate, A healthy diet includes balance between (For more detailed resources on Dietary
only asked possible reasons for why I made a the metabolic component (nutritional) and Guidelines for Americans, including infograph-
poor choice and how to prevent it from hap- the behavioral component (dietary). Each of ics, visit:
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