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          Everyone says you have to have hobbies or se-  ing my business career and therefore travel felt
        rious interests in your life in order to retire early   a bit like a mailman taking a walk on his/her   Here are some ideas of what
        and successfully. Athletics had always been my   day off. It just wasn’t my first choice.   to do in retirement, printed by
        hobbies; basketball, baseball/softball, golf, run-  Something that impacts everyone in retire-  U.S. News & World Report:
        ning to stay in shape. I found that when I got   ment is learning to live on savings and invest-
        older, I couldn’t keep up with the younger guys   ments; no more paychecks from an employer   1. First and foremost: Learn
                                                                                       to live within your means.
        anymore when playing sports. I became too   or proceeds from a business. Social Security

        slow in basketball (I figured that out when I   does not fully compensate for this lost rev-  2. Travel.
        started fouling too much), couldn’t throw the   enue. Like many, I had heard it said that it is
        ball as far or hit a ball as hard in baseball any-  cheaper to live as a retired person; well, IT’S   3. Remodel your home.

        more, and found it hard to find golf partners   NOT! Most expenses stay the same. Expenses
                                                                                    4. Move to the city.
        who wanted to play as often as I wanted.   such as property taxes, insurance, food, home
          Volunteering is also purported to be a good   maintenance are all still there. Plus, medical   5. Move to the country.

        use of retirement time. Being very active in my   expenses tend to go up, leisure travel can be
                                                                                    6. Get a part-time job.
        church, I got very involved in helping others.   very expensive, some hobbies can add signifi-

        Everyone has developed different skills they   cant costs to the budget, and eating out be-  7. Volunteer.
        can share to assist others and therefore we   comes a regular form of entertainment. I met
                                                                                    8. Spend time with friends.
        should help in ways where we feel we can   many people during my second retirement

        make a difference. My choice was to provide   that had reached their seventies or eighties and   9. Babysit.
        free counseling to those who lacked experi-  had run out of money. They were embarrassed
        ence with business and “the system”. It is very   and ashamed. When they retired, they   10. Get educated.

        fulfilling to see someone who is about to be   thought they had more than enough money.
                                                                                    11. Write a book.
        deported, because of a vengeful husband, have   Then inflation, investment losses, bad
        the opportunity to stay in the country to-  economies, death of their partner, kids who   12. Learn a new language.

        gether with her three US citizen children. It   provided support moving away, or the need
                                                                                    13. Start a new hobby.
        was also fulfilling to teach non-financial peo-  for repairs to their home or for a new vehicle

        ple how to manage their lives better and find   all hit them unexpectedly.   14. Nothing.
        success. It was fulfilling to help business own-  Are you ready for retirement? Prepare and
                                                                                    15. Join a fitness group.
        ers figure out how to better manage their busi-  calculate carefully. My advice is stay close to

        ness and not lose everything. Contrarily, it is   family, get financial advice before and after re-  16. Take up a new sport.
        demoralizing to see those who refuse to accept   tiring, live a healthy lifestyle, and do what you
        advice and as a consequence lose their liveli-  really enjoy.               17. Buy a motor home.

        hoods, their homes their jobs or their families.
                                                                                    18. Start a business.
          Traveling is what many who retire seek to   Stephen C. Fitzer BS MIM is the
        do. What can be more fun than going to      CEO/Executive Director of the   19. Teach.

        places one has never been before, experience   Bexar County Medical Society
                                                                                    20. Go into public service.
        other cultures, see the great wonders of the
        world. Some just want to get in their car or RV   References:               21. Visit family.
        and travel this great country; others want to   25 Things to Do When You Retire - By Phil
                                                                                    22. Be a mentor.
        visit Europe, Australia, the islands, the home   Taylor, Contributor, June 15, 2020

        of their ancestors or other exotic locations. If                            23. Read.
        one has prepared financially for the expenses
        of these joys and has the health to enjoy the                               24. Start a blog.

        travel, it is worth comparing what you know
                                                                                    25. Learn to play music.
        in life to what you have not known. However,
        in my case, I had traveled to 65 countries dur-

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