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        but my book is still only
        in my head.
          After the honeymoon
        period, boredom sets in.
        Every physician friend
        who retired has expressed
        the desire to do some
        part-time work. Most ac-
        ademic retirees have not
        expressed financial rea-
        sons for wanting to work
        but just to be doing some-
        thing to keep medicine in
        their life. Working as
        Locum Tenens, telemedi-
        cine, overseas volunteer
        work, volunteering in a
        clinic are among medical
        activities which attract physicians. Physicians who have a serious pas-  Rajam Ramamurthy, MD is a member of the BCMS Pub-
        sion like gardening, golfing or mountain climbing have delved into   lications Committee and is a past President of the Bexar
        these activities with gusto. This is a financial commitment as well and   County Medical Society.
        should be considered when planning finances. For me, it is teaching
        Indian classical dance. I spend twenty hours a week teaching, prepar-  References:
        ing lessons, organizing programs and other dance related activities.   Key findings highlight perceived barriers to retirement planning at
        The financial perks are minimal but the physical and mental fitness as-  various career stages in addition to factors that can enhance physicians'
        pects of it are great rewards.                         retirement planning, including creating gradual and flexible retirement
                                                               options, supporting ongoing discussions about financial planning and
        The Forest Dweller                                     later career transitions, and fostering a culture that continues to hon-
          Some colleagues have delved into reading religious literature for an   our and involve retirees. Medical institutions could foster innovative
        in-depth understanding their own religion and sometimes other world   models for later-career transitions from medicine in ways that address
        religions. In the Hindu way of thinking, humans go through four   physicians' needs at various career stages, support gradual transitions
        phases of life. The student (Bramacharya), Householder (Grihastha),   from practice and recognize the value of experienced, capable later-
        Forest dweller (Vanaprastha) and Sanyasi (Renunciate). The first two   career physicians and retirees.
        stages are obvious, the third literally means retiring to the forest and   Planning for retirement from medicine: a mixed-methods study
        trying to withdraw from a material world to spend more time on spir-  Michelle Pannor Silver 1, Laura K Easty 1
        itual pursuits. In modern times, this is the stage of retirement when   Affiliations expand
        one gradually tends towards spiritual pursuits. Time spent in medita-  • PMID: 28401128
        tion or prayer gives a special kind of quietness as we get into the later   • PMCID: PMC5378543
        stages of retired life. I have heard senior friends say that they achieve   • DOI: 10.9778/cmajo.20160133
        this while doing dishes, gardening, singing or listening to music. In   Free PMC article
        English literature, life’s seven stages were eloquently described by   Implications: Strong work identity and tensions between different
        Shakespeare in the play ‘As you like it’.              generations may confound concerns about retirement in ways that
          All the world’s a stage,                             complicate institutional succession planning and that demonstrate
          And all the men and women merely players;            how traditional understandings of retirement are out of date. Findings
          They have their exits and their entrances;           support the need to creatively reconsider the ways we examine rela-
          And one man in his time plays many parts,            tions between work identity, age, and retirement in ways that account
          His acts being seven ages.                           for the recent extensions in the working lives of professionals.
          There are differences between male and female physicians in the   2018 Mar 19;58(2):320-330.
        manner they consider retirement.                         doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw142.

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