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Tahiti and the Red Sea in Egypt were appeal- If I had to summarize some of the reasons est one than when we were at maximum ca-
ing and very interesting experiences. I also to retire, I can think of at least three (al- pacity to work.
made a trip around the world by ship in a pro- though I am sure many colleagues could find The United States government has been in-
gram called “Semester at Sea”, which at that many more): dulgent and understanding to most middle-
time (1998) was sponsored by the University First, one’s health. One cannot jeopardize class citizens by allowing us to create growth
of Virginia (today it is led by the University of the well-being of patients, family, hospital and retirement funds that are tax sheltered while
Colorado). office staff by practicing in a state of wobbly growing. For fruitful investment most of us
Taking advantage of my familiarity with the well-being, either physical or mental. This need a financial advisor, but we need to be
hyperbaric chamber, I took courses in chronic does not need further clarification. cautious here, and avoid those who claim they
wound care, one in Minneapolis and two in Second, family. If in good health, the doc- can make us rich in a short time. A steady, di-
San Antonio. Our city’s population suffers tor should try his best to ensure that his family versified plan will work most of the time if we
from obesity and diabetes in large numbers (widow if he dies first) have the means to sup- start early and keep the goal of retirement with
and they, in turn, frequently develop chronic port and live relatively free of economic dis- a peace of mind always in front.
wounds in the extremities very difficult to tress if possible. Also, one has to see that the
treat. I joined a couple of clinics as staff and children have reached their maximum capac- Jaime Pankowsky MD FACS is re-
worked in those clinics for about twelve years. ity in learning to lead an independent life on tired and a Life member of the Bexar
Finally, my age was becoming an issue. I was their own. County Medical Society.
past my 80th birthday, and I was advised Third, one should be financially free of
enough was enough, (to my family’s relief I major debts and with reserve funds to be able
quit completely around the year 2008). to lead a normal life even if it be a more mod-
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