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              The COVID-19 Vaccination Game

                                By Melody Newsom, BCMS Chief Operating Officer, Community Liaison

          Vaccinations (and a plethora of questions about them) are all the   tors only; 200 doses at that location for doctors and medical staff; 35
        rage these days! How on earth do I get one? Which brand should I   doses RIGHT NOW at this location”, and so on! (I have likened the
        get? Should I even get vaccinated when it’s available? How do I get   situation to a game of “Whack-A-Mole” on steroids!)
        vaccine for my practice to give to my patients? The list goes on!   As you recall from previous articles in  San Antonio Medicine,
          The hardest one for the physicians, their staff and other medical pro-  BCMS in conjunction with H-E-B held a 1st dose vaccine event at
        fessionals in the Phase 1A category is the “How on earth do I get one?”   the BCMS building on Sunday, January 10 and the follow-up 2nd
        Physicians that do not have privileges at a hospital along with their   dose event Saturday, February 6.
        staff were left out of the mix during the initial rollout of the vaccine   I knew that was still just a drop in the bucket of the medical com-
        in Texas. This became even more of an extreme challenge when the   munity needing to be vaccinated, so the vaccine Whack-A-Mole game
        State of Texas opened up the vaccination priorities to the 1B popula-  continued. Vaccine opportunities became few and far between. UT
        tion, leaving the doctors and other medical profes-                   Health reached out and had a limited number of
        sionals in the same boat as the rest of the                             vaccine doses to dedicate to the 1A group. I
        community, having to struggle to find an op-                              collected names and phone numbers and
        portunity to get vaccinated! H-E-B had been                              UT Health personnel called to schedule ap-
        designated as the place for Phase 1A’s to get                            pointments. Still a very cumbersome scenario
        vaccinated, yet they only received 100 doses at                          for all involved, but it was still progress. Fi-
        each pharmacy in San Antonio for a total of                              nally, on Thursday, February 25 at 4 p.m., UT
        1,400 doses for our entire medical community.                           Health called to let me know they were going
          I have dedicated nearly all of my time at                              to designate 1,000 doses for the doctors and
        BCMS, since the pandemic was declared, fo-                                other medical professionals on Saturday,
        cused on all things COVID-19. I’ve served                                 February 27. Wow! Short notice again but,
        on various pandemic related committees                                    hey, “We’ll see what we can do”. UT Health
        such as the BCMS COVID Task Force,                                         had been internally testing a program that
        Metro Health Testing Task Force, Testing                                   would allow the ability to upload the con-
        and Lab Reporting Workgroup, the Com-                                      tact information for those needing to be
        munity Response Coalition, the Regional                                   vaccinated so they could self-schedule.
        Medical Operations Center (RMOC) and                                      BCMS became the beta test to the large
        monitored multiple conference calls each                                  population of physicians. Despite a few
        week such as UT Health, Southwest Texas                                   glitches, we were able to get over 700 up-
        Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) and                                     loaded into the system by Saturday. The
        the Department of State Health Services                                   glitches seem to be minimal now and, the
        (DSHS).                                                                   great news is, UT Health has been desig-
          At each of these committees on which I                                   nated a vaccine hub and continues to make
        participate I continually mention the plight                               vaccination appointments available to our
        of our physician members who, along with                                   physician members and other medical pro-
        their staffs, are without hospital privileges                              fessionals. I want to say I finally won at the
        and therefore have no path to get the vac-                                 Whack-a-Mole game. (At least for now!)
        cine. So, when a hospital has a small quantity                              “Which brand should I get?” With three
        of vaccine available, they would call me –                                vaccines receiving the Emergency Use Au-
        “there are 300 doses at this location for doc-                            thorization (EUA) – the Pfizer and Mod-

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